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MINUTES Page 3 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-March 3, 2005 <br />modification to the planned development. Vesting Tentative Map Tract No. 7767 is <br />proposed to create the subdivision for condominium ownership. Assessor's Parcel <br />Number 76-437-7-1; K. Oesterreich, Davidon Investors (applicant and property owner); <br />RM-1800 (PD) Residential Multiple-Family District, Planned Development Overlay <br />District. Continued from January 22, 2008. <br />This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above matter, City Manager <br />Jermanis gave background on the item and introduced Planner Elmer Penaranda. Mr. <br />Penaranda provided an overview of the item, and introduced Kathy Oesterreich. <br />Mayor Santos reopened the Public Hearing. <br />Kathy Oesterreich, representing Davidon Homes, the Applicant, addressed the City <br />Council, acknowledging the concerns expressed by the Council at the Public Hearing on <br />January 22, 2008. Ms. Oesterreich gave a PowerPoint presentation, providing the <br />history of the project and describing the proposed conversion of the Woodside <br />apartments to condominiums. She provided additional details on the planned insulation <br />improvements, building and unit interior refurbishments, and the phasing of the project. <br />Ms. Oesterrich showed other condominium conversion projects completed by Davidon <br />Homes, and provided assurance to the Council that Davidon would complete the <br />project. <br />Staff and Ms. Oesterreich responded to questions from the Council. Mr. Jermanis noted <br />that the Council had not yet developed criteria for condominium conversions. <br />Ms. Oesterreich commented that Davidon's application was submitted during a strong <br />housing market. The market has since taken a severe downturn, and it is uncertain <br />when the conversion project would begin. <br />Councilmember Starosciak asked for clarification regarding the insulation sound rating. <br />Mr. Jermanis indicated that staff would provide clarification. <br />Councilmember Stephens requested that the Applicant address the laundry issue. Ms. <br />Oesterreich stated that in a four-story building, it would be almost impossible to install <br />the additional plumbing and venting that would be required to have a washer and dryer <br />in each unit. <br />Lindsay Imai, Urban Habitat, addressed the City Council, requesting that the Council <br />examine the housing market prior to approving this application. Ms. Imai expressed <br />concern regarding the current residents and their possible displacement to less <br />affordable housing. <br />Darlene Evans, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, inquiring whether <br />the project would have fire sprinklers. Ms. Evans commented on projected rental <br />prices, the redwood trees on the property, owners and renters living in the same <br />building, sound insulation and other aspects of the proposed project. <br />