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• Authors have identified early-life outdoor experience-whether alone or with <br />others-as the most important Factor found in their research in developing <br />environmental concern. ('Sward, 1999) <br />PLAY ~n n TEAM <br />Why is it good to play on a teams' <br />• Organization can also allow for a fair process in choosing teams, matching <br />cnmpetieors, and enforcing rules specifically targeted at younger athletes can reduce <br />injurir~~s. ("~}rganized", 2UQ1) <br />• Regular physical activity can help reduce the risk of many adult health problems, <br />including diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. ("organized", 2001) <br />Organized Sports ...can be a viable means to increase activity levels in children and, <br />hopefully, lead to the adoption of active lifestyles as adults. <br />("Organized", 2(101) <br />• Reasonable goals for children and preadolescents participating in organized sports <br />include acquisition of basic motor skills, increasing physical activity levels, learning <br />social skills necessary to work as a team, learning good sportsmanship, and having <br />fun. ("Organized", 2001) <br />• Organized sports for children and preadolescents provide an opportunity for <br />increased physical activity and an opportunity to learn sports and team skills in an <br />environment where risks of participation can potentially be controlled. ("Organized", <br />2~1) <br />• Girls who play sports have higher levels ofself-esteem and lower levels of <br />depression than girls who do not play sports. (Edwards, 1995) <br />• Girls who play sports have a more positive body image and experience higher states <br />of psychological well being than girls and women who do not play sports. (Edwards, <br />1 J9S) <br />• Girls who play sports learn about teamwork, goal-setting, the experience of success, <br />the pursuit of excellence in performance, how to deal with failures, and other <br />positive behaviors -- all of which are important skills for the workplace and life. <br />(Edwards, 1995) <br />