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8D Consent 2008 0407
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2008 0407
8D Consent 2008 0407
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4/4/2008 10:39:50 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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the "PROJECT COMPLETION" section of this Agreement, and upon ABAG's <br />acceptance of the Project. <br />❑ TASK COMPLETION <br />Disbursements shall be made on the basis of costs incurred to date, less ten percent <br />(10%), upon the Grantee's satisfactory completion of each Project task identified in <br />the approved work program. The final disbursement, together with amounts earlier <br />withheld, shall be made upon the Grantee's satisfactory completion of construction of <br />the Project and compliance with the "PROJECT COMPLETION" section of this <br />Agreement, and upon ABAG's acceptance of the Project. <br />❑ PROJECT COMPLETION <br />Disbursement shall be made on the basis of costs incurred, upon the Grantee's <br />satisfactory completion of construction of the Project and compliance with the <br />"PROJECT COMPLETION" section of this Agreement, and upon ABAG's <br />acceptance of the Project. <br />B. The Grantee shall request disbursements by filing with ABAG fully executed "Request for <br />Disbursement" forms (available from ABAG). The Grantee shall include on the forms its <br />name and address, the date of the submission, the amount of the invoice, the period during <br />which the work was actually done, and an itemized description of all work done for which <br />disbursement is requested. The forms shall be signed by an authorized official of the <br />Grantee. Each form shall be accompanied by any supporting invoices or other source <br />documents from contractor(s) that the Grantee engaged to complete any portion of the <br />Project funded under this Agreement, and/or by written substantiation of completion of the <br />portion of the Project for which disbursement is requested. With each form, the Grantee <br />shall also submit a supporting progress report summarizing the current status of the Project <br />and comparing it to the status required by the work program (budget, timeline, tasks, etc.). <br />Failure to fully execute and submit a "Request for Disbursement" form, including <br />attachment of supporting documents, will relieve ABAG of its obligation to disburse funds <br />to the Grantee unless and until all deficiencies in the form are rectified. <br />V. EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS AND ALLOCATION OF FUNDING AMONG BUDGET ITEMS <br />The Grantee shall expend funds in the manner described in the approved Project Budget. The <br />allocation of ABAG's total grant among the items in the Project Budget may vary by as much as <br />ten percent (10%) without approval by ABAG. Any difference of more than ten percent (10%) <br />must be approved in writing by ABAG. ABAG may withhold payment for changes in particular <br />budget items which exceed the amount allocated in the Project Budget by more than ten percent <br />(10%) and which have not received the approval required above. The total amount of this grant <br />may not be increased except by amendment to this Agreement. Any increase in the funding for <br />any particular budget item shall mean a decrease in the funding for one or more other budget <br />items. <br />-5- Construction Grant Agreement - 2008 <br />
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