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VI. PROJECT COMPLETION <br />A. Within ninety (90) days of completion of construction of the Project, the Grantee shall <br />supply ABAG with two copies of evidence of completion by submitting a final report <br />which includes: <br />L An inspection report by a registered architect or engineer or the Grantee's Public <br />Works Director certifying completion of the Project according to the approved work <br />program. <br />2. A fully executed final "Request for Disbursement" form. <br />3. "As built" drawings of the completed Project. <br />4. If the Project is built by third parties, a copy of a recorded Notice of Completion <br />covering the Project. <br />B. Within forty-five (45) days of Grantee's compliance with this section, ABAG shall <br />determine whether the Project has been satisfactorily completed. If ABAG determines that <br />the Project has been satisfactorily completed, ABAG shall issue to the Grantee a letter of <br />acceptance of the Project. The Project shall be deemed complete as of the date of the letter <br />of acceptance. <br />VII. EARLY TERMINATION AND FAILURE To PERFORM <br />If the Grantee fails to complete the Project in accordance with this Agreement, or fails to fulfill <br />any other obligations of this Agreement prior to the termination date, the Grantee shall be liable <br />for immediate repayment to ABAG of all amounts disbursed by ABAG under this Agreement. <br />ABAG may, at its sole discretion, consider extenuating circumstances and not require repayment <br />for work partially completed. This paragraph shall not be deemed to limit any other remedies <br />ABAG may have for breach of this Agreement. <br />VIII. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE <br />A. The Grantee or its successor in interest shall maintain the facilities and structures <br />constructed as part of the Project and shall operate these facilities and structures throughout <br />the term of this Agreement (December 31, 2037) consistent with the purposes for which <br />ABAG's grant was made. The Grantee assumes all operation and maintenance costs of <br />these facilities and structures. Neither ABAG nor the Conservancy shall be liable for any <br />cost of such maintenance, management or operation. The Grantee may be excused from its <br />obligations for operation and maintenance during the term of this Agreement only upon the <br />written approval of ABAG. <br />B. For purposes of this Agreement, "operation costs" include direct costs incurred for material <br />and labor needed for operations, utilities, insurance and expenses necessary to produce <br />gross revenues. "Maintenance costs" include ordinary repairs and replacements of a <br />recurring nature necessary to prolong the life of capital assets and basic structures, and the <br />expenditure of funds necessary to replace or reconstruct capital assets or basic structures. <br />IX. INSPECTION <br />-6- Construction Grant Agreement - 2008 <br />