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8D Consent 2008 0407
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2008 0407
8D Consent 2008 0407
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4/4/2008 10:39:50 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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STANDARD PROVISIONS <br />I. WORK PROGRAM <br />A. If any portion of the construction to be funded under this Agreement will be performed by <br />third parties ("contractors") under contract with the Grantee, prior to initiating any request <br />for contractor bids, the Grantee shall submit for review and written approval by ABAG the <br />bid package including construction plans and specifications which have been certified or <br />approved as described above. Upon approval by ABAG, the Grantee shall proceed with <br />the bidding process. <br />B. Prior to final selection, the Grantee shall submit to ABAG for written approval the names, <br />addresses and licenses of all contractors that the Grantee intends to hire and any change or <br />clarification to the bid package. <br />C. Prior to beginning construction, the Grantee shall submit a detailed work program to <br />ABAG for review and written approval of its consistency with this Agreement. The work <br />program shall include: <br />1. Construction plans and specifications which have been certified by a registered <br />architect or engineer, or approved by the Grantee's Public Works Director. <br />2. A schedule of completion for the Project specifically listing the completion date for <br />each Project component and a final Project completion date. <br />3. A detailed Project budget (the "Project Budget"). The Project Budget shall describe <br />all labor and materials costs to be incurred to complete each component of the <br />Project. For each Project component, the Project Budget shall list all intended <br />funding sources, including grant funds, the Grantee's required contribution and all <br />other sources of monies, materials, or labor. The Grantee shall review the plans on- <br />site with ABAG staff. <br />4. A list of all permits required to complete the Project, including but not limited to <br />environmental documentation. For each such permit, Grantee shall identify the <br />attendant conditions, mitigation measures, fees and the like. The Grantee shall <br />indicate how each attendant condition, mitigation measure, fee and the like is treated <br />in the documents provided under paragraphs I.C.1, 2 and 3 of these Standard <br />Provisions. <br />D. The work program shall have the same force and effect as if included in the text of this <br />Agreement. However, the work program may be modified without amendment of this <br />Agreement upon the Grantee's submission of a modified work program and ABAG's <br />written approval of it. If this Agreement and the work program are inconsistent, the <br />Agreement shall control. <br />E. The Grantee shall construct the Project in accordance with the approved work program. <br />F. The Grantee shall comply with, fulfill, accomplish or pay each condition, mitigation <br />measure, fee (or the like) identified in paragraph I.C.4 of these Standard Provisions which <br />are applicable at the completion of the Project. For each condition, mitigation measure, fee <br />(or the like) identified in paragraph I.C.4 of these Standard Provisions which, by its terms, <br />-3- Construction Grant Agreement - 2008 <br />
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