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Executive Summary <br />FY 2008-09 Action Plan <br />The FY 2008-09 Action Plan outlines the proposed activities, objectives and budget for the <br />upcoming fiscal year. The Plan includes information on funding resources for housing and <br />community development activities, a description of activities to be carried out and other actions <br />that the City will take to address issues such as barriers to affordable housing and lead-based <br />paint hazards. <br />The FY 2008-09 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) entitlement grant from the U.S. <br />Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is $720,922. Estimated CDBG program <br />income is $0 and unallocated CDBG funds are $51,744. Therefore, the total CDBG funds <br />available in FY 2008-09 is estimated to be $772,696. <br />In preparing the proposed program budget, the following were considered: housing and <br />community development priority needs, Five-Year Strategic Plan objectives for FY 2005-09, and <br />CDBG eligibility criteria. The City is proposing to allocate its available CDBG dollars in the <br />following eligible funding categories: Public Services, Public Facilities and General <br />Administration. <br />For public services, the City proposes to fund homeless services and a shelter, homeless <br />prevention services, services for special needs population (such as an adult literacy program <br />through the City libraries), landlord/tenant counseling, and fair housing services through Eden <br />Council for Hope and Opportunity (ECHO). Objectives and outcomes for each proposed <br />CDBG-funded project, required by HUD's "Consolidated Plan Revisions and Updates: Final <br />Rule" on the Outcome Measurement System (effective March 13, 2006), can be found in this <br />Action Plan under Exhibit A, "Proposed Projects". <br />In past years, the City has funded the San Leandro Shelter for Women and ChildrenBuilding <br />Futures with Women and Children, Davis Street Family Resource Center, Project Literacy, and <br />ECHO to provide the public services described above. Past performance for such public services <br />was evaluated and described in the City's final CAPER for FY2006-07 submitted to the HUD <br />Regional Office on September 21, 2007. The CAPER evaluating FY2006-07 was published for <br />public comment from August 29 to September 17, 2007. <br />The amount allocated for FY2008-09 to public services is $115,901, which is a two percent (2%) <br />increase from the previous year. Table 1 identifies an estimated allocation by project name. <br />However, the total will not exceed $115,901. <br />For public facility improvements, the City recommends funds for the high priority construction <br />of the new San Leandro Senior Center proposal, which will provide services and programs <br />tailored for seniors in an accessible location. The City also recommends capital improvement <br />project funds for four community-based organizations: Building Futures with Women and <br />Children (Sister Me Home Safe House), Family Service Counseling and Community Resource <br />Center, Spectrum Community Services/Service Opportunities for Seniors Meals on Wheels, Bay <br />Area Community Services (Woodroe Place). <br />Final Action Plan - FY2008-09 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 3 <br />