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described herein, except to the extent that any such claim, suits, actions; losses, or <br />liabilities arise from any act or omission of COUNTY. <br />12. Pursuant to Government Code Section 595.4, COUNTY shall defend, indemnify, and <br />hold harnless CITY, its officers, employees, and agents from all claims, suits, actions or <br />losses of any type, and from liability for any f nes, penalties or damages of any type, <br />resulting from COUNTY'S performance of this Agreement and caused by any act or <br />omission of COUNTY, including failure to comply with any requirement of the Act or <br />the Program described herein, except to the extent that any such claims, suits, actions, <br />losses, or liability arise from any act or omission of CITY. <br />13. Each CITY participating in the Alameda County HOME CONSORTIUM shall defend, <br />indemnify, and hold harmless all other participating CITIES for CITY'S negligent acts or <br />omissions arising from this agreement. <br />14. This Agreement shall go into effect immediately upon the signature of both parties and <br />shall continue in full force and effect until all activities funded~fi-om Federal fiscal years <br />during which CITY was a participating jurisdiction in the CONSORTIUM are completed. <br />CITY will be included in the Consortium for a minimum of three (3) Federal fiscal years, <br />federal years 2009, 2010 and 2011. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this contract on the day first <br />mentioned above. <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />John J. Jermanis, City Manager <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />By: By: <br />ity Attorney <br />Stephanie Stuart, Assistant City Attorney <br />COUNTY OF ALAMEDA <br />President, Alameda County Board of Supervisors <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />Deputy County Counsel <br />By signing above, signatory warrants and represents that he/she executed this Agreement <br />in his/her authorized capacity and that byhis/her signature on this Agreement, he/she or <br />the entity upon behalf of which he/she acted, executed this Agreement. <br />G:UICD\HOME\SUBHOUS~2009 Consortium Agreementdoc <br />