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10A Action 2008 0505
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Packet 2008 0505
10A Action 2008 0505
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5/5/2008 9:29:45 AM
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5/5/2008 9:29:44 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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Green Building Municipal Ordinance 2 May 5, 2008 <br />• The LEED~M standards were developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), a <br />national nonprofit organization, to provide a comprehensive set of design guidelines as well <br />as a standardized assessment tool to evaluate the environmental performance of buildings. <br />LEEDS "' has become a national standard for green building and is endorsed by organizations <br />across the building industry including architects, engineers, builders, manufacturers, <br />government agencies, real estate developers and universities. The LEEDTM for New <br />Construction rating system applies primarily to commercial, public, and institutional <br />buildings. LEEDr"' administers a certification program offering four performance-based <br />levels of certification: Certified, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. <br />The LEEDTM rating system has a total of 69 possible points. No building can earn all of the <br />available points, but there are dozens of ways a building can earn points. To achieve <br />certification by LEEDT"', a building must satisfy seven prerequisites and meet a minimum <br />number of points for the desired level of certification. The different levels and the <br />corresponding point minimums are as follows: Certified: 26 points; Silver: 33 points; Gold: <br />39 points; Platinum: 52 points. <br />Certification is earled through credits for each major green building component employed in <br />the building project. These components include: Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy <br />and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality, and Innovation <br />and Design. <br />• LEED~M is now the most widely used commercial green building system nationally. Many <br />Alameda County jurisdictions, including Oakland, unincorporated Alameda County, <br />Berkeley, Pleasanton, Livermore, Hayward, Newark, Union City, Albany and Dublin have <br />developed mandatory civic green building programs using LEEDT"' as a standard. <br />• To help its member agencies implement green building practices, the Alameda County Waste <br />Management Authority (StopWaste.Org) developed a Model Ordinance that established <br />requirements for a mandatory civic green program, utilizing the LEED~M rating system. With <br />guidance through the City Council Facilities Committee, staff explored the feasibility of <br />instituting the Model Ordinance, in conjunction with key staff from the Public Works <br />Department, the Engineering and Transportation Department and the Community <br />Development Department. A consensus was reached on the content of the attached <br />ordinance, which mandates a minimum certification level of Silver for eligible City-owned <br />projects valued at $3 Million or above. "Traditional" public works projects such as roads, <br />pump stations, and other such heavy construction infrastructure are excluded. <br />• Adoption of this ordina~7ce will allow the City to be eligible to continue to receive Import <br />Mitigation funds from StopWaste.Org. These funds are a block grant that the City's <br />Recycling Program receives yearly in the amount of approximately $90,000. The block grant <br />is contingent upon passage of the Municipal Green Building Ordinance, among other actions <br />such as the waste diversion ordinance, by .June 30, 2008. <br />• Green building activities in the City of San Leandro in the past two years has involved <br />intensive staff training and public outreach. Four members of the Conmmunity Development <br />Department (one planner and three building staff) have achieved professional certifications <br />
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