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Green Building Municipal Ordinance 3 May 5, 2008 <br />from Build it Green and the US Green Building Council (USGBC). Three building staff <br />members are Certified Green Building Professionals and one planner is a LEED Accredited <br />Professional. All four have been trained and certified as the Build It Green program's <br />Certified GreenPoint Rater. In addition, several Engineering and Transportation staff <br />members have attended USGBC events and trainings in the LEED ~"' rating systems. <br />• In October 2007, an informational event featuring green building and bay-friendly <br />landscaping experts was held for San Leandro homeowners and builders at the San Leandro <br />Main Library. On May 28, 2008, a Builder and Developer Forum will be held at Ohlone <br />College, in partnership with other South Alameda jurisdictions, to provide green building <br />updates for developers working in the area. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />Not applicable <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />At the City Cow~cil meeting of February 6, 2006, City Council adopted a resolution to endorse <br />the LEEDTM rating system as a reference standard. This resolution also directed staff to return <br />with an ordinance to mandate a LEED"' certification for civic projects. <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />The City's General Plan, adopted in 2002, includes a series of goals and policies related to resource <br />conservation and environmental sustainability. Page 23 of Chapter 5 (Open Space, Parks and <br />Conservation), provides a detailed review of green building practices. Specifically, Policy 28.02 <br />(Planning and Building Practices) states that the City should "encourage construction, landscaping, <br />and site planning practices that minimize heating and cooling costs and ensure that energy is <br />efficiently used." In addition, Policy 31.04 (Design, Construction, and Operation) call for "new <br />development to be desig~led and constructed in a way that reduces the potential for future air quality <br />problems." <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />Not applicable <br />Environmental Review <br />Not applicable <br />Code Compliance Review <br />Not applicable <br />Board/Commission Findings <br />Not applicable <br />Summary of Outreach Efforts <br />Regarding the municipal ordinance, extensive technical meetings were conducted over the period <br />of October 2007 to the present with the major internal stakeholders from the Public Works, <br />Engineering and Transportation and Community Development departments. Regarding the <br />general green building program, the building permit counter area of Community Development <br />has an informational kiosk display, featuring green building materials and techniques. Guidelines <br />