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.. , <br />B. Prior to issuance of building permits, a sign program shall be submitted for the review <br />and approval by the ZEO or Community Development Director. <br />C. Prior to issuance of building permit, a final on-site lighting plan including specifications of <br />lighting standards and photometric calculations shall be submitted for review and approval <br />of the Community Development Director and the Engineering and Transportation <br />Department. On-site lighting shall be high pressure sodium or other energy conserving <br />lighting and shall be designed and located so as to not interfere with traffic on adjacent <br />streets and so as not to shine on adjacent properties, details subject to the approval of the <br />City Engineer and the Conununity Development Director. <br />D. Prior to final inspection, all required landscaping shall be installed to the satisfaction of <br />the Community Development Department. <br />E. Construction activity shall not create dust, noise, or safety hazards for adjacent <br />properties. Dirt and mud shall not be tracked onto San Leandro Boulevard or Park Street <br />from the project site. <br />F. No temporary or unauthorized signs including but not limited to banners, balloons, <br />streamers and pennants shall be placed on the property, unless approved by the City under <br />a Special Event Permit. <br />G. The approvals granted by the City as a result of this application, as well as the Conditions <br />of Approval, shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County. <br />H. No application for amendment of the application or Conditions of Approval may be <br />submitted or accepted for processing by the City unless (i) there is full compliance with all <br />terms of the application and Conditions of Approval; or (ii) the Community Development <br />Director waives compliance with the terms of the application and Conditions of Approval <br />pending application for amendment. <br />I. Pursuant to Zoning Code Section 5-2218, this approval shall lapse on January 22, 2009 <br />unless a) there is diligent prob ess evidencing a good faith intent to commence the <br />intended use, or b) a written request for aone-year extension of the site plan review is <br />approved by the Zoning Enforcement Official. <br />Aereement to Conditions of Approval January 22, 2008 <br />PLN2007-00057 Page 9 of 9 <br />