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d. Proper maintenance of landscaping, with minimal pesticide use, shall be the <br />responsibility of the property owner. <br />e. Integrated pest management (IPM) principles and techniques shall be <br />encouraged as part of the landscaping design. Examples of IPM principles and <br />techniques include: <br />h. Select plants that are well adapted to soil conditions at the site. <br />2. Select plants that are well adapted to sun and shade conditions at the site. <br />Consider future conditions when plants reach maturity. Consider seasonal <br />changes and time of day. <br />3. Provide irrigation appropriate to the water requirements of the selected plants. <br />4. Select pest- and disease-resistant plants. <br />5. Plant a diversity of species to prevent a potential pest infestation from <br />affecting the entire landscaping plan. <br />6. Use "insectar}~' plants in the landscaping to attract and keep beneficial insects. <br />T. Areas for dumpsters and recycling containers shall be roofed and enclosed. The area <br />shall be designed to prevent water run-on to the area and runoff from the area and to <br />contain litter and trash, so that it is not dispersed by the wind or runoff during waste <br />removal. No drains shall be installed inside the trash/recyching enclosure area. <br />U. Wastewater from vehicle and equipment washing operations shall not be discharged to <br />the storm drain system. Vehicle/equipment washing areas shall be paved, designed to <br />prevent run-on to or runoff from the area, and plumbed to drain to the sanitary sewer. A <br />sign shall be posted indicating the location and allowed uses in the designated wash <br />area. <br />V. Tanks, containers or sinks used for parts cleaning or rinsing shall not be connected to <br />the storm drain system. Tanks, containers or sinks used for such purposes may only be <br />connected to the sanitary sewer system if allowed by an industrial waste discharge <br />permit. The applicant shall contact the San Leandro Environmental Services Department <br />for specific connection and discharge requirements. <br />W. No person shall dispose of, nor permit the disposal, directly or indirecthy, of vehicle <br />fluids, hazardous materials, or rinsewater from parts cleaning operations into storm <br />drains. No vehicle fluid removal shall be performed outside a building, nor on asphalt <br />or ground surfaces, whether inside or outside a building, except in such a manner as to <br />ensure that any spilled fluid will be in an area of secondary containment. Leaking <br />vehicle fluids shall be contained or drained from the vehicle immediately. <br />Vehicle/equipment repair and maintenance shall be performed in a designated area <br />indoors, or if such services must be performed outdoors, in an area designed to prevent <br />the run-on and nmoff of stormwater. No person shall leave unattended drip parts or <br />other open containers containing vehicle fluid, unless such containers are in use or in an <br />area that cannot discharge to the storm drain, such as an area with secondary <br />containment. <br />Agreement to Conditions of Approval January 22, 2008 <br />PLN2007-00057 Page 7 of 9 <br />