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FY 2008-09 Community Benefit Grant 2 May s, 200s <br />^ The Commission recommends funding because the Historical Society is a <br />San Leandro based organization with broad community benefit and the <br />mission of the organization is directly related to the cultural arts mission <br />of the Community Benefit Program. <br />Did not recommend funding the following agencies: <br />o John Muir Middle School Poetry Program -Program would provide four sixth- <br />grade classes with poetry workshops one day/week for 15 weeks. <br />^ Program does not provide broad community benefit. <br />o McKinley Elementary -Purchase ESL Computers <br />^ Program does not provide broad community benefit. <br />^ Proposed program is outside the scope of the cultural arts guidelines. <br />^ Concern that the program cannot be completed within the fiscal year as <br />required by the grant. <br />^ Commission felt that there were more appropriate sources of funding for <br />computers in the schools. <br />o Pacific Chamber Symphony <br />^ Applicant did not attend the mandatory presentation meeting on Apri121, <br />2008. This is the second year in a row that the applicant failed to attend <br />the presentation meeting. <br />General Comments: <br />^ Primary funding criteria was broad community benefit. RAPC recommends support to <br />groups that impact more than one group or segment of the population and reach as many <br />people as possible. <br />^ Agencies are encouraged to seek other funding sources and grant opportunities to expand <br />funding resources. <br />Commission suggests funding programs that do not have broad community benefit (like <br />the small school based programs) for a limited duration, providing "seed" money that <br />allows the program to get started, but not ongoing funding. <br />Commission agreed that the description of programs eligible to apply for funding is broad <br />and should be reevaluated. The RAPC will review and update the program eligibility <br />guidelines and evaluation criteria. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />NA <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />NA <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />NA <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />NA <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />NA <br />