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of Washington Elementary School. Lighted crosswalks are comprised of amber strobe <br />lights installed in the pavement on both sides of a crosswalk. Flashing strobes are <br />activated when a person presses the pedestrian push button. The flashing lights warn <br />drivers of the presence of pedestrians in the crosswalk. In addition to the flashing lights <br />in the pavement, pedestrian warning signs fitted with flashing lights are also installed <br />adjacent to the crosswalk to provide additional warning. <br />Along with the in-pavement crosswalk light device, the project will also install <br />fluorescent yellow-green colored school zone warning signs in compliance with the <br />current Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The high visibility fluorescent <br />yellow-green sign color was recently approved for use in the state of California. <br />The Speed Feedback signs will also be installed during this project. The signs have solar- <br />powered radar detecfion units that display the speed of oncoming vehicles in an effort to <br />encom-age drivers to drive at the posted speed limit. The purchase of the Speed Feedback <br />signs was made possible through a State of California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) <br />grant. Installation will be funded using Development Fees for Street Improvements <br />(DFSI) funds. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />Not Applicable <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />Not Applicable <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />Not Applicable <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />Coal 14 Bicycle and Pedestrian Circulation: Promote and accommodate alternative, <br />environmentally- friendly methods of transportation, such as walking and bicycling <br />Policy Action 14.07 Pedestrian Environment -Strive to achieve a more comfortable <br />environment for pedeshians in all areas of San Leandro, with particular emphasis on the <br />BART Station areas, Dow~ltown, and major commercial thoroughfares such as East 14r~' <br />Street <br />Policy Action 18.02B Pedestrian Safety Improvements <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />Not Applicable <br />