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southbound I-880 in San Leandro. The $108 million HOV lane project will extend the <br />southbound HOV lane from approximately Hegenberger Road to just south of Marina <br />Boulevard. The HOV lane project will require the reconstruction of both the Davis Street and <br />Marina Boulevard overcrossings. To minimize the disruption of traffic and inconvenience to San <br />Leandro residents, staff recommends that the improvements to the Marina Boulevard Interchange <br />be coordinated with the design and construction of the southbound HOV lane on I-880, which <br />will be managed by the ACCMA. <br />The ACCMA, the Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority (ACTIA), Alameda <br />County (County), the City of Hayward and the City of San Leandro are currently completing a <br />study to identify and prioritize improvements for I-880 in central Alameda County. The I- <br />880/Marina Boulevard Interchange project is one of the projects being reviewed in the study. <br />The study preliminarily estimated the design and construction cost for the interchange at $33 <br />million. Staff has reviewed and refined this preliminary cost estimate to $27 million. <br />Analysis <br />The Proposition 1B HOV lane project requires the reconstruction of the overcrossing, but does <br />not provide for the improvements to the interchange. The improvements to the interchange, <br />which include on-ramp and off-ran~p improvements, lane configuration changes, traffic signals <br />and other associated features, are necessary to accommodate fiiture development in the area. <br />Funding to complete these improvements will come from several sources, including the general <br />public as it is also responsible for a fair share of the cost. The public's share of cost for the <br />constniction of the interchange improvements will most likely come from the Local Alternative <br />Transportation Improvement Program (LATIP), the State Transportation Improvement Program <br />(STIP) and from local funds composed of special impact fees and Measure B funds. It should be <br />noted that the LATIP funds are available as a result of the deletion of the Route 238 Hayward <br />Bypass project from the Measure B expenditure plan. <br />Funding for the HOV lane project is being primarily financed by the Corridor Mobility <br />Improvement Program of the recently approved State Infrastructure Bond Program (Proposition <br />1B). However, the HOV lane project requires additional support from the County and benefiting <br />local jurisdictions. The ability to acquire the needed funds in advance allows not only for the <br />completion of the HOV project, but also for the addition of the design and construction of the <br />interchange improvements. <br />The ACCMA and the City recognize that there are inherent benefits to coordinating the HOV <br />lane and interchange projects. Doing so allows for a robust funding plan that will efficiently use <br />and leverage funding as it becomes available. It will also allow greater coordination of the <br />environmental review, design and construction; thereby providing economies of scale for a <br />reduced overall project cost. This MOU is being prepared to detail the understandings between <br />the City and ACCMA. The MOU acknowledges that it is in the best interest of the residents of <br />the County that both the interchange and the HOV lane projects be coordinated to provide an <br />integrated transportation facility that efficiently uses and leverages fm~ding resources to improve <br />traffic conditions. <br />The City Council has recently authorized the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of <br />Understanding between the City and Kaiser. Kaiser has offered to forward its fair share for the <br />construction of the interchange in advance of receiving the entitlements far the Medical-Retail <br />Complex. Kaiser has made this offer to facilitate the completion of the interchange in <br />