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Page 2 of 3 <br />Post-Construction Homeowner Surveys - 50% responded -overall positive. Summary of <br />surveys will be submitted upon Spanish interpretation. <br />March 12 -all homes were opened for construction. <br />March 24 -contractor expects all homes to be finalled. <br />6 .open permits -- homes dropped and moved to Phase II <br />April 16 8~ 17 -post-construction acoustical testing. Final Report to be submitted. <br />Average Reduction is 6.6 d8 - SUCCESSFUL as FAA requires a 5 dB reduction <br />April 21 - Including the 15 rain delay days, G.E. Chen's contract (agreement) expired fior Phase 1. <br />Pending - NOC issued upon submittal of Contractor closeout documents. <br />PHASE II PARTICIPATION /SELECTION LOTTERY <br />Moving the Program forward has been pending the City's decision on the Phase II selection criteria. <br />On March 14, the City Manager approved allowing rentals located in the most noise-impacted area <br />(56 CNEL) to participate if the available spots are not filled with owner-occupied residents. <br />81 homes Interest in Participation forms on file <br />Z6 from previous lottery <br />10 homes sold -trying to contact new homeowners <br />There are 119 spots remaining to make Zflfl homes. C. Kell-Smith & Associates recommends that <br />an additional 15 homes be held as alternate homes should homeowners drop firom participation. <br />a3 homes (minimum) to be added through soliciting the 56 CNEL area. <br />Article published in the San Leandro Times prompted less than 10 homeowners to call. Most <br />of which have their Interest Form submitted. <br />Article will also be published in the next City newsletter to be distributed at the end of May_ <br />At least 2 mass mailings in the past -would like to try one more with the City's permission. <br />CKSA will be meeting with the City to discuss their strategy of obtaining the additional homes for <br />the final phase of the program. CKSA would like to continue moving forward but getting the <br />minimum of an additional 53 homes to participate may take some time_ <br />Dividing phase II into a part a and part b is an option. <br />Program eligibility is currently ranked: <br />1. 1 S` lottery participants <br />Z. Owner-occupied home in the 56 CNEL <br />3. Rental homes in the 56 CNEL <br />4. Homes in the 53, 54 and 55 CNEL -owner-occupied over rentals <br />Aircraft Noise insulation Projects • Program Management + Administrative Services <br />