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~ ~ <br />Preliminary Traffic Study: <br />Scope: Forecast the potential impacts of Options A and B on 13 selected <br />intersections (Figure 1) <br />Baseline: <br />Existing Condition: All intersections operate at acceptable service level, LOS D <br />(w/ approved projects) Marina/San Leandro Boulevard intersection close to LOS E <br />(53.8 seconds/vehicle average delay) <br />Cumulative Condition: All intersections continue to operate at acceptable service <br />(to Year 2025) level, except Marina/San Leandro Blvd. becomes LOS E <br />(60.4 seconds/vehicle average delay) <br />Plus Option A: <br />Existing Condition: Marina/San Leandro Blvd. intersection operates at LOS E <br />(w/ approved projects) (70.4 seconds/vehicle average delay) <br />Cumulative Condition: Marina/San Leandro Blvd. intersection operates at LOS E <br />(to Year 2025) (76.3 seconds/vehicle average delay) <br />Plus Option B: <br />Existing Condition: Marina/San Leandro Blvd. intersection operates at LOS E <br />(w/ approved projects) (57.5 seconds/vehicle average delay) <br />Cumulative Condition: Marina/San Leandro Blvd. intersection operates at LOS E <br />(to Year 2025) (62.2 seconds/vehicle average delay) <br />Possible Mitigation for Marina/San Leandro Boulevard Intersection: <br />~ Ability to widen Marina Boulevard constrained by large columns supporting <br />aerial BART structure and UPRR rail tracks along San Leandro Boulevard. <br />~ Option B: Restriping eastbound right-turn lane on Marina Boulevard to a shared <br />right/thru lane will achieve LOS D in the near term. <br />~ Option A: In addition to above, restricting left turns out of the project site during <br />peak p.m. hours (3:00 to 7:00 p.m.) on weekdays will mitigate to LOS D in the <br />near term. Staff questions the feasibility of enforcing this option and it may be <br />unacceptable to the retailer. <br />• Extension of Aladdin or Montegue requires costly underpass or overpass and <br />property acquisition dedication; preliminary cost/benefit analysis shows project is <br />not economically feasible if cost exceeds $5,100,000. <br />