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<br />finding a feasible traffic solution is also a key to the future success of the site. Both land use <br />options appear to show noticeable traffic impacts at the Marina/San Leandro Boulevard <br />intersection. The City Manager noted the need for emergency vehicle access for this site similar to <br />Heron Bay in order to allow people and autos ready ingress and egress. Mayor Young also <br />mentioned the need for sensitivity to the owner in helping to shape the future use of the site and to <br />build an adequate road system on the site before approving any future use. <br />4. Update on Development Projects <br />Draft HUD Action Plan FY 2006-07 Summary. Tom Liao briefly summarized the key <br />highlights for the draft FY 2006-07 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development <br />(HUD) Action Plan, specifically a reduction in the City's Community Development Block <br />Grant (CDBG) entitlement grant from HUD by about $90,000 from the previous year that <br />has negatively impacts public services and general administration funding (see attachment). <br />Staff will present the draft Action Plan for City Council review on March 20th as well as seek <br />Council approval to begin a 30 day public comment period on the draft and set a second <br />public hearing on May 1St <br />Update on Downtown TOD Strategy. Hanson Hom informed the Committee that staff is <br />currently studying an existing conditions report and will be presenting the report to the <br />Citizens Advisory Committee for the Downtown Transit Oriented Development (TOD) <br />Strategy at its second meeting on March 28th. Also, there is a planned field trip, which the <br />City Council will also receive invitations to, for the CAC to visit other TOD projects in the <br />Bay Area. <br />5. Public Comments <br />Charles Gilcrest cautioned there is a significant difference in the amount of City subsidy need <br />fora 9% low income housing tax credit (LIHTC) deal for the Islander Motel project versus a <br />4% tax credit deal with the former providing substantially more tax credit equity into the <br />project. Therefore, if MHC is not able to receive a 9% tax credit in 2006, then the City <br />should carefully reconsider whether it wants to pursue the 4% tax credit as a back-up option. <br />Hanson Hom responded that if MHC does not receive 9% tax credits this year, they would <br />need to come back to the Council for direction (e.g., extend the DDA). <br />6. Committee Member Comments <br />Councilmember Stephens asked if the total estimated development cost of $13 million for the <br />Islander Motel project included land acquisition cost. The City Manager responded that it did <br />include land. Councilmember Stephens compared how the school districts have sometimes <br />found demolition and new construction of older buildings to be cost effective as well as <br />allowing a fresh start. The City Manager mentioned that staff had explored multiple options <br />for the property and found demolition new construction to be expensive and not the most <br />feasible option. Hanson Hom described how the seismic analysis performed on the Islander <br />Motel during escrow surprisingly revealed that the soft story building did not need to be torn <br />down. Tom Liao added that the proposed substantial rehabilitation will seem almost like new <br />construction. <br />