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ORGANIZATION TYPE Grant Grant Grant REQUEST RECOMM. <br /> 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 <br />San Leandro Players Cultural $3,000 $2,500 $2,500 $3 <br />000 $2 <br />750 <br />Program Statement: Funding will assist San Leandro Players, an Ensemble Arts , , <br />Theatre Group ("SLP"} in funding the 2008-09 season, which will consist of <br />three Productions (plays) and a fund raising variety show event. Estimated <br />attendees from the San Leandro area: in 2006, there were 797 attendees (266 <br />per show; each show has 10 performances, with an average attendance of 27 <br />persons per performance). <br />FY 2007-08 Funding Note: Due to limited funding, the Commission recommends <br />funding at prior year level. Commission challenges all grantees to fund raise to <br />offset/leverage City grant funds. <br />FY 2008-09 Funding Note: Commission is pleased to recommend funding for this <br />valuable community based program. Due to the limited number of applications <br />that were received that most closely fzt the funding guidelines, the Commission <br />was able to recommend increased funding for several applicants for the FY2008- <br />09 grant cycle. Please note that this level of funding may not be sustained in <br />future years. All applicants are encouraged to seek other funding sources and <br />grant opporhunities to expand funding resource. <br />Washington Manor Middle School Worldancers Community $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $2 <br />500 $1 <br />000 <br />Program Statement: The Wordancers of Washington Manor Middle School Events , , <br />seek funds to hire ethnic guest artists in residence to work with our students. <br />They will offer artistic support towards ethnic dance assemblies that educate our Cultural <br />students about cultural, historical, musical and folklore knowledge from around Arts <br />the world. The students also tour these dances to local schools and community <br />events. <br />FY 2007-08 Funding Note: Due to limited funding, the Commission recommends <br />funding at prior year level. Commission challenges all grantees to fund raise to <br />offset/leverage City grant funds. <br />FY 2008-09 Funding Note: The Commission recommends a small decrease in <br />funding. The Commission commends the applicant for a valuable program. The <br />City has supported this program for several years. Programs such as <br />Worldancers that do not have broad community benefit, are encouraged to seek <br />other sources of funding for the program and not rely on City funding indefinitely. <br />TOTAL <br />Tota12008-09 Funds Available = $25,000 $24,000 $25,000 $25,000 $39,750 $25,000 <br />