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Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority <br />Special Transportation for Seniors and People with Disabilities <br />What is the maximum and average time between receiving an application and enrolling an <br />applicant in the program? <br />Response: <br />Average Enrollment Time - 7 working days <br />Maximum Enrollment Time - 14 working days <br />Is there a waiting list? If so, what are the policies that apply to it? How many people are on <br />it? What is the average wait? <br />Response: <br />No <br />Describe how you will measure customer satisfaction, for example, by participating in a <br />county-wide rider survey, tracking customer comments, or other means? <br />Response• <br />Surveys <br />• Customer Comment Cards <br />• Complaint Log <br />• Feedback gathered through workshops and other outreach efforts. <br />• We currently have one rider who voluntarily serves as a "secret rider" and keeps staff <br />notified of problems or concerns. <br />Describe your complaint and commendation process. Please describe your process from <br />beginning to end, including instructions provided to customers for filing complaints or <br />commendations, your documentation procedures, your follow up and any changes you have <br />made to your program as a result of customer complaints and commendations. <br />Response• <br />Complaints are responded to immediately upon receipt. A complaint log is maintained. <br />Complaints are valued by staff because they help us to understand how the service is working <br />and where there are problems that we need to address. <br />G:101iver\Paratransit~FY 2008-09~MB Annual Program Application Cover FY0809.doc <br />Page 8 of 18 <br />