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Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority <br />Special Transportation for Seniors and People with Disabilities <br />Budget for Fund Application <br />REVISED Janua 2008 <br />Jurisdiction: Ci of San Leandro <br />Fiscal Year for Which Funds are Requested: FY 2008-09 <br />Col. A Col. B Col. C Col. D <br />Projected Plan far <br />Actual Prior Current FY - Budget FY - Budget vs. <br />FY - 06/07 07!08 08/09 Current <br />30 Management <br />31 Customer service & outreach <br />32 Trip provision <br />33 Purchase of EBP tickets <br />34 Meal delivery <br />35 MSL Gap Grant Expenditures <br />36 Other services (explain below) <br />37 Adjusted operating expenditures# <br />38 Explanation of other trips or services: <br />4.6% <br />$186,115 $221,000 $221,000 0.0% <br /> #DIV/0! <br /> #DIV/O! <br />$62,892 $75,000 $100,000 33.3°~ <br />$19,721 $25,000 $25,000 0.0% <br />$359,967 $408,035 $453,729 11.2% <br />Other =Group Trips <br />39 Description of MSL Gap Grant Expenditures: <br />*This total should match Line 24. Any fares reta <br />in allocated cost for trip provision. <br />MSL Grant = Out-of-Town Medical Transportation. <br />ned by providers and not reported as fares should be included <br />Section 7: Oneratins~ Statistics (Programs receiving under $50,000 may report total trips on the line for <br />"other trips") <br />Trips provided <br />40 Individual demand-responsive trips <br />41 Lift/ramp-assisted trips included in above <br />42 Taxi trips included in above <br />43 Same-day trips included in above <br />44 Subscription trips included in above <br />45 Group trips <br />46 Shuttle or fixed-route trips <br />47 Other trips: MSL - Out-of-Town Medical <br />48 Subtotal -Trips provided <br />49 Attendant trips included in above <br />50 Companion trips included in above <br />51 Number of EBP Tickets Purchased <br />52 Meals delivered <br />53 Vehicle service hours for providing trips <br />4,279 4,064 4,500 10.7% <br />202 254 254 0.0% <br />0 0 0 #DIV/0! <br />16 22 22 0.0% <br />0 0 0 #DIV/0! <br />1,589 1,500 1,500 0.0% <br />7,959 8,606 8,750 1.7% <br />188 1,044 1,660 59.0% <br />14,015 15,214 16,410 7.9% <br /> #DIV/0! <br /> #DIV/0! <br /> #DIV/0! <br /> #D!V/0! <br />4,363 5,334 5,334 0.0% <br />(excluding taxis) <br />54 Explain any notable accounting, contracting, or <br />performance measurement practices that would <br />affect program statistics. <br />MB Annual Program Application Budget FY0809.x1s <br />