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MINUTES Page 10 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-May 5, 2008 <br />Councilmember Souza reported that, at the meeting of StopWaste.Org, a plaque was <br />presented to StopWaste.Org for their newly remodeled building, which is LEED <br />platinum certified. <br />Councilmember Gregory reported that he attended the Association of Bay Area <br />Governments (ABAG) General Session along with Mayor Santos and Vice Mayor <br />Grant. At the meeting, the City was presented the award for the Downtown TOD <br />Strategy. He commented that the City was well represented by Vice Mayor Grant. She <br />was one of the panelists from the distinguished communities who shared details of their <br />award-winning projects. <br />Councilmember Starosciak reported on the CMA meeting, at which the final approval <br />was made on the Transportation Fund for Clean Air grants. She reported that the <br />LINKS program received double funding, or $165,000. San Leandro presented $5 <br />million to the CMA to begin the planning of the Marina Boulevard Overpass. Mayor <br />Santos expressed appreciation to Councilmember Starosciak for a job well done. <br />Vice Mayor Grant reported that she attended the ABAG Conference. She <br />acknowledged the work of Community Development Director Luke Sims and Planning <br />Manager Kathleen Livermore in bringing her up to speed on the Downtown TOD <br />Strategy. She commented on the "Wow Factor" of the presentation showing the <br />phasing of the Downtown TOD project. <br />B. Reports on Conferences and Seminars <br />None. <br />C. Reports on Empowerment Funds <br />Councilmember Gregory reported that he contributed $500 from his Community <br />Empowerment Funds to the Broadmoor Homeowners Association for the Motion- <br />Activated Lighting Project by Citizens for Safer San Leandro, and $500 to McKinley <br />Elementary School for its computer lab. <br />Mayor Santos reported that he contributed $75 to the San Leandro High School <br />Notables. <br />Councilmember Souza requested clarification on the use of Community Empowerment <br />Funds, asking whether they are intended to be used strictly for donation purposes, and <br />not in exchange for goods or services, such as tickets. <br />D. Reports on City Council Committees <br />1. Finance Committee Meeting of April 15, 2008. Accepted as submitted. <br />