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MINUTES Page 12 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-May 5, 2008 <br />their achievements. She noted that last year, one child from San Leandro High School was <br />recognized; this year, there were at least 35 children from San Leandro schools. <br />Superintendent Christine Lim was acknowledged for her work in closing the achievement <br />gap, and Vice Mayor Grant commended Superintendent Lim for bringing about that change in <br />San Leandro. Vice Mayor Grant commented that there is negative information about San <br />Leandro's schools on Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia. While she acknowledged that the <br />information is factually correct, she suggested that a positive paragraph could be added to <br />balance the information. <br />Mayor Santos commented that the theme of his 2008 State of the City address was, "Take <br />Pride and Believe in San Leandro, "and he has espoused this idea to groups that he has <br />addressed. Mayor Santos mentioned a group of public safety officials that meets monthly at <br />the Marina Community Center to discuss youth issues, such as gangs, youth crimes and <br />truancy. He agreed with Vice Mayor Grant that the City should try to highlight the positive <br />aspects of San Leandro whenever possible. <br />Councilmember Souza commented that she attended the John Muir Fun Run, the April <br />Showers Barbecue, and the Watershed Festival in Root Park this past weekend. She also <br />attended an Eagle Court of Honor, where a young man was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout. <br />Councilmember Souza commented that she served as a panelist for the Arroyo High School <br />marketing class. The students developed a business plan and PowerPoint presentation, which <br />were judged by the panel Councilmember Souza attended a residents' meeting on crime in <br />her district, and she noted that there is a missing link in the communication process, which <br />creates a perception problem. She commented that when a resident reports a problem to the <br />police and an officer responds, the problem may not be resolved immediately. The police <br />may continue to pursue the matter to resolution, but in the mind of the resident, nothing was <br />done. Councilmember Souza commented that it is important to close this information gap, to <br />give residents assurance that their efforts to report crime are being utilized. <br />Councilmember Starosciak thanked Vice Mayor Grant for her two years of service as vice <br />mayor, and for her efforts to keep the Council working together. She congratulated <br />Councilmember Stephens for his election as vice mayor, commenting that they were both <br />elected to the San Leandro School Board in 1994. Councilmember Starosciak reported that <br />she had informed the Chinese Christian School about the San Leandro History Museum <br />program for third graders, and they participated in the program for the first time this year. She <br />was asked to give a presentation on local government to the third grade class, and she created <br />an interactive game to teach the class about the City budget. Councilmember Starosciak <br />requested that tonight's meeting be adjourned in memory of Mary Jane Harlan, who was the <br />mother of a friend, a San Leandro business owner, and a 1960 graduate of San Leandro High <br />School. <br />Councilmember Stephens commented that he attended the Washington and McKinley <br />Elementary School fundraising events at the Veterans Memorial Hall, along with <br />Councilmembers Gregory and Souza. He pointed out that there were many people in <br />attendance that he had never met, and it made him wonder how many other people are out <br />there with whom the Council never comes into contact, and how to widen the circle of <br />