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MINUTES Page 6 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-May 5, 2008 <br />Project No. 08-150-38-228, Federal-Aid Project No. HP21L-5041(029) (authorizes the <br />City Manager to execute the Program Supplement Agreement that accepts federal <br />funding for the subject project). (2500) <br />D. Resolution No. 2008-048, Resolution Authorizing Submission of a Request to the <br />Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) for the Allocation of Fiscal Year <br />2008-09 Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 PedestrianBicycle Project <br />Funding (provides for handicap ramps, sidewalk, sidewalk bulbouts, pedestrian safety <br />signage, accessible pedestrian traffic signals, and lighted crosswalks at various locations <br />Citywide). (1980) <br />E. Matter of Annual Reporting of the 911 Fee Revenue Program (outlines revenues and <br />expenditures relating to the Emergency Communication System Access Fee, as required <br />by San Leandro Municipal Code Section 2-16-220). (Moved to Item 9, Items <br />Removed from Consent Calendar.) <br />• Motion Approving the Annual Reporting of the 911 Fee Revenue Program and the <br />Proposal to Continue the Current Fee of $2.06 per Single Access Line. (3084) <br />9. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Public comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker per item, subject to adjustment by the <br />Mayor. <br />8.E. Matter of Annual Reporting of the 911 Fee Revenue Program (outlines revenues and <br />expenditures relating to the Emergency Communication System Access Fee, as required <br />by San Leandro Municipal Code Section 2-16-220). <br />Vice Mayor Grant commented on the recent appellate court decision regarding the City <br />of Union City's 911 fee. She stated that she would like to revise the motion to accept <br />the Annual Report, and defer the action to continue the fee until the City Council could <br />receive a report in closed session from City Attorney Jayne Williams on the impacts of <br />the Union City ruling. <br />• Minute Order No. 2008-014, Motion Approving the Annual Reporting of the <br />911 Fee Revenue Program and Direction to the City Attorney to Schedule a <br />Closed Session to Provide the City Council with an Update on the Recent Court <br />Decision Regarding Union City's 911 Fee. (3084) <br />The City Council approved the annual reporting of the 911 Fee Revenue <br />Program and directed the City Attorney to schedule a closed session to <br />provide the City Council with an update on the recent court decision <br />regarding Union City's 911 Fee. <br />M/S/C Grant and Starosciak. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />