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STATE QF CALIFQRNIA ~~~~` ~ <br />COUNTY OF ~1 ~'l> ss. <br />On ~~- ~ ~ ~ ,before me, ~ ~ . ~,, ~ ~ ~~~r (, ~~ )~ <br />personally appeared ~ 1 G~"7G ~ ( <br />who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person ose name(s) <br />is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me tha he fi~tttlt~j executed <br />the same in t5i I~ecLtl~eir authorized capacity(i~esT; and that by~iis~~laoc~t~aei~r signature(' on the <br />instrument the personor the entity upon behalf of which the person~s°racted, executed the <br />instrument. <br />I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the <br />foregoing paragraph is true and correct. <br />WITNESS my hand and officials al E. e. URME <br />7 ~ ~ Comml~Wn AE 146846a <br />Signature `! ,~~~ Ndary ~ublk ' Cadiomw <br />`°" San Maio Caurov <br />My Comm. MaY 1 "J. 3Q1 <br />(~ ~ <br />My commission expires "J ~'~ ~ ~~ , <br />