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Proposed City Budget -Page 2 of 4 - June 2, 2008 <br />review by the Finance Director, Assistant City Manager and City Manager. Upon completion of <br />these reviews, the City Manager prepared a summary of the City Manager's Proposed Budget <br />which was reviewed by the Council Finance Committee on April 15, 2008. Based on direction <br />from the Finance Committee and input from the City's Ad Hoc Budget Committee, staff <br />presented a summary report on the 2008-09 budget to the full City Council at a Council Budget <br />Work Session on May 12, 2008. A copy of City Manager's Proposed Budget 2008-2009 was <br />delivered to council members on May 22, 2009, and a copy was made available to the public, as <br />required by City Charter. The delivered City Manager's Proposed Budget 2008-2009 also <br />includes a Supplemental Report which proposes options to reduce a projected $9 million General <br />Fund deficit to $4.4 million. <br />At the May 12, 2008 Budget Work Session, Council reviewed the proposed budget for the City's <br />General Fund and capital projects programs. At the conclusion of the Work session, Council <br />directed staff to return to Council with the budget as proposed, at the regularly scheduled <br />Council meeting of June 2, 2008. Council indicated that it would hold a public hearing on the <br />budget at that time and provide final budget direction to staff. Further, Council indicated that it <br />preferred the options as recommended by the Council Ad Hoc Budget Committee for the General <br />Fund. If Council adopts the budget with those options then the final budget will reflect that <br />decision and any other changes Council may approve. <br />Overall, the total expenditure/expense budget proposed for 2008-09 totals $166.1 million. The <br />City's General Fund accounts for $84.8 million of this request, the Redevelopment Agency, <br />$36.4 million, Enterprise activities, (Water Pollution Control, Environmental Services, Shoreline <br />Fund and Storm Water Fund) $14.5 million and all other activities, $30.4 million for 2008-09. . <br />Other than the General Fund, the Redevelopment Agency (RDA) represents the single largest <br />commitment of City resources for 2008-09. The San Leandro Redevelopment Agency is funded <br />by property tax increment revenue, which is restricted to certain uses. More specifically, RDA <br />tax revenue must be used within RDA Project Areas to support and stimulate the redevelopment <br />of areas that are plagued with physical or economic blight and to support low and moderate <br />income housing projects. <br />In terms of economic development and commercial revitalization, the RDA is active in three <br />redevelopment project areas: the Alameda County-City of San Leandro Project Area (also known <br />as the "Joint" Project Area), the Plaza Project Area, and the West San Leandro/MacArthur <br />Boulevard Project Area. For 2008-09 the RDA is recommending several major capital projects <br />that will impact these areas. <br />For 2008-09, the RDA is proposing to issue approximately $33 million in Tax Allocation Bonds <br />(TAB's) to fund several key capital projects. In accordance with the Redevelopment Plan, staff <br />is targeting three major areas for the use of these funds which are the construction of a senior <br />center, a parking garage and infrastructure improvements on East 14th Street. As proposed the <br />senior center is an approximately 21,000 square foot facility including a main hall, kitchen, <br />computer room, crafts room, exercise room, two classrooms and a staff area. The building will <br />also function as the City's Emergency Operations Center when necessary. The proposed parking <br />garage is a replacement garage for the City's 215 space, seismically unsound parking garage. <br />