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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />STAFF REPORT <br />DATE: June 2, 2008 <br />TO: John Jerma~lis, City Manager ,~ <br />FROM: Uchenna Udemezue, P.E., Director <br />Engineering and Transportation Depart ent <br />BY: Keith R. Cooke, P.E., Principal Engin r ;/~ <br />SUBJECT PROJECT/PROJECT DESCRIPTION: <br />APPROVED AND <br />FORWARDED <br />TO CITY COUNCIL <br />Joh .~ennanis <br />City Hager <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT AGREEMENT NO. N013-N TO <br />MASTER AGREEMENT FOR FEDERAL-AID PROJECTS WITH THE STATE OF <br />CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CALTRANS) TO ACCEPT <br />FEDERAL FUNDS AND OBLIGATE CITY TO PROVIDE A LOCAL MATCH OF $24,000 <br />TO FEDERAL FUNDS FOR THE ADVANCED TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM <br />(ATMs) UPGRADE PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 150-38-288, FEDERAL-AID PROJECT NO. <br />CML-501(030) <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to <br />execute the Program Supplement Agreement that accepts federal funding and obligates the City <br />to provide $24,000 matching funds for the subject project. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The City's Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMs) provides basic and advanced <br />communication functions to our traffic signals, including synchronizing signals and reporting <br />faihn-e of field devices. The system was installed in 1999, and its software and hardware are <br />nearly obsolete and at the end of their useful lives. New technology and communication <br />protocols will allow the City to fully utilize its fiber optic network and provide much needed <br />extended functionality of a state of the art ATMs. <br />Analysis <br />This project will upgrade the ATMs to current standards, increasing our utility of the City's <br />existing fiber optic network bandwidth. The new ATMS will allow City staff to make real-time <br />changes to traffic signal timing from the Traffic Operations Center (TOC) located at City Hall <br />through dedicated workstations, and in the field via laptop computers and Personal Digital <br />Assistants (PDAs). The updated ATMs will implement the most current communication <br />protocol, such as the National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol (NTCIP) and <br />will allow for the sharing of traffic information with other agencies (e.g., East Bay SMART <br />Corridors Program). <br />