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The new ATMS will have the capability of providing motorists with the real time traffic <br />information, such as roadway congestion, roadway construction, and video images of traffic <br />flow. The software and equipment improvements to the system will also make traffic responsive <br />and/or traffic adaptive control methodologies possible, providing more efficient traffic flow <br />through the City. <br />To achieve the aforementioned functionalities, the project will upgrade the equipment at the <br />TOC, Public Works, and in the field. The upgrade of the TOC may include server computers, <br />workstation computers, fiber to ethernet transceivers, ethernet switches, etc. The equipment <br />upgrade at the Public Works Department may include workstation computers and f ber to <br />ethernet transceivers. The field equipment upgrade may include traffic controllers, ethernet <br />switches, fiber to ethernet transceivers, NTCIP communication modules, video encoders, and <br />other ancillary equipment required to provide a fully functional system. <br />The project will upgrade equipment at up to 42 intersections, along with the City's <br />cor~~munication room in the Public Safety Building, the TOC at City Hall, and the traffic control <br />console at the Public Works Department. The project will allow City staff to efficiently monitor <br />traffic operations at signalized intersections throughout the City and adjust signal timing <br />accordingly to reduce travel time and delays. In addition, because of the improved system <br />architecture and status reporting mechanism, staff time to operate and maintain the ATMS will <br />be reduced. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />• Continued development and expansion of the City's Advanced Traffic Signal System <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />• On May 7, 2007 by Resolution No. 2007-065, the City Council authorized an application for <br />federal CMAQ improvement program funding for the ATMS upgrade project <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />Not Applicable <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />• Goal l6 Streets and Highways: Improve major transportation arteries for circulation in and <br />around the city <br />• Policy 16.03Maintenance: Regularly maintain city streets and traffic control devices to <br />ensure that streets operate safely and efficiently <br />• Policy 16.04-Traffic Flow Improvements: Use a variety of measures to improve traffic flow <br />at congested intersections, including technologically advanced tools such as signal timing <br />and video monitoring <br />Action 16.04A-Traffic Montoring and Signal Timing: Conduct traffic monitoring at key <br />intersections in San Leandro. Based on the monitoring data, undertake signal timing and <br />phasing projects that improve traffic flow and safety <br />• Policy 16.05-East-West Circulation: Strive to improve east-west circulation across San <br />Leandro without adversely impacting residential neighborhoods. Encourage signal timing, <br />