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signage improvements. turn lanes, and other measures that improve circulation but do not <br />involve major physical changes or traffic increases on residential streets <br />• Action 16.OSA-East-West Circulation: Explore the feasibility of a signage and signal timing <br />improvement project to improve circulation between the east and west sides of San Leandro <br />• Policy 18.02-Capital Improvements: Identify capita] improvements and other measures that <br />improve the safety of bicyclists, pedestrians, and motor vehicles on San Leandro streets <br />• Policy 18.05-Funding: Pursue grants for the improvement of pedestrian, bicycle, and motor <br />vehicle safety <br />Policy l 8.06-Staff Education: Ensure that City Staff is up-to-date and educated on the latest <br />technology and/or methods of improving safety for all modes of transportation <br />Action 1$.06A-Staff Education: Facilitate the continuing education of City Staff in state of <br />the art transportation techniques, including traffic flow improvements, traffic calming, <br />bicycle and pedestrian improvements, and safety and public education <br />• Policy 20.01-Coordination with Regional Agencies: Work closely with the Metropolitan <br />Transportation Commission, the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency, and <br />other agencies to address regional transportation issues affecting San Leandro <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />Not Applicable <br />Environmental Review <br />• Consistent with CEQA, the project is Categorically Exempt <br />• Consistent with NEPA, the project is Categorically Excluded <br />Code Compliance Review <br />Not Applicable <br />Board/Commission Findings <br />Not Applicable <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />Not Applicable <br />Fiscal Impact <br />• The STP/CMAQ gn-ant is for $184,000 and requires a local match of $24,000 to complete the <br />project <br />• The total estimated cost for this project is $208,000 <br />Budget Authority <br />The subject project is funded from the following allocations: <br />• $184,000 CMAQ funding in Account No.150-38-288 <br />• $24,000 in DFSI funding in Account No. l 20-28-185 <br />