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SLMO represented employee category listed above including the correction of the <br />Administrative Analyst I classification specification. The Motion carried 4 Ayes. <br />The ninth and final group was also comprised of management classification specifications <br />under the SLMO represented employee category which included: Information Services <br />Manager, Planning Manager, Police Captain, Police Lieutenant, Principal Engineer, Street <br />Maintenance Manager and Water Pollution Control Manager. <br />After a brief discussion regarding changes in the classification specifications, it was MS <br />(Myers/Brannan) to approve the revised classification specifications under the SLMO <br />represented employee category listed above. The Motion carried 4 Ayes. <br />The Board received the Human Resources Director report which included progress on <br />revisions to the Personnel Rules which will be covered by the Board during its meeting in <br />March 2008 and the summary of departmental actions over the past quarter. <br />There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m. by Chairperson <br />McManus <br />Shirley McManus, Chairperson <br />g:/prb/min/Jan-24-08-SpecialM tg <br />