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8D Consent 2008 0616
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Packet 2008 0616
8D Consent 2008 0616
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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />Term of Contract: July 1, 2008 -June 30, 2009 <br />Agency: Building Futures with Women and Children <br />Address: 1395 Bancroft Avenue <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />Contact Person: Susan Erb, Contracts Manager <br />Phone: 510-357-0205 (ext.129) <br />Project Name: San Leandro Shelter <br />PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES <br />A. The San Leandro Shelter will provide emergency food and housing to homeless women and children. The <br />availability of a safe, stable, and supportive living environment, with access to quality support services will <br />increase the probability of improving their ability to become self-sufficient. <br />B. The Shelter will provide one-on-one case management to homeless women in support of their housing and <br />employment searches. This would increase their probability of securing housing and/or employment. <br />MAJOR ACTIVITIES and PERFORMANCE MEASURES <br />SUBRECIPIENT SHALL, FOR THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT: <br />1. Provide 24-hour emergency housing to 250-300 homeless women and children (811 bed nights), three <br />meals a day, access to health care, parenting and recovery support groups, domestic violence and self-esteem <br />building support groups, and money management. 75% or 51 of the 68 women who stay at the shelter 30 <br />days or more will address two or more of the specific barriers they face to achieving safe and stable housing. <br />2. Provide one-on-one case management support services to 80-100 women. 60% or 41 of the 68 women <br />who stay at the shelter 30 days or more will depart the shelter with safe, stable housing. <br />TIMELINES <br />By October, 1, 2008, Building Futures will have accomplished: <br />Provide 24-hour emergency housing to 63-75 homeless women and children (203 bed nights), three meals a <br />day, access to health care, parenting and recovery support groups, domestic violence and self-esteem building <br />support groups, and money management. 75% or 13 of the 17 women who stay at the shelter 30 days or <br />more will address two or more of the specific barriers they face to achieving safe and stable housing. <br />-13- <br />CDBG Agreement with BFWC FY08-09 <br />G: ICOMMUNIT3'DEVELOPMEN7INOUSING SERVICES DIVISIONICDBGISUBRECIPIEN7SIBui!ding Futures With Women and Children (BFWC)IFY2008- <br />091Service AgreementlFY 08-09 BFWC CDBG Subrecipient Agreement. doc <br />
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