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DRAFT MINUTES <br /> Page 5 <br />City of San Leandro City Council, San Leandro Economic Development Agency, San Leandro Parking Authority, San <br />June 2, 2008 <br />Leandro Public Financing Authority, and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting <br /> <br /> <br />ions on the Redevelopment Agency <br />budget, Mr. Jermanis suggested that the Council, as the Redevelopment Agency, <br />consider adopting the budget, and hold a work session on the LINKS prior to <br />consideration of the BID assessment. The City has taken on more of the <br />administrative work for the LINKS program, and is considering revising its agreement <br />with the Transportation Management Organization (TMO) to modify the level of <br />service the City provides to the LINKS. Councilmember Souza stated that she liked <br />the idea of holding a LINKS work session, but would also like to have a more <br />comprehensive presentation on the redevelopment budget. She asked what the <br />maximum amount of funding was for the LINKS Shuttle that the Agency would be <br />approving in this budget. Community Development Director Luke Sims stated that <br />$200,000 of RDA assistance is budgeted for the LINKS Shuttle; however, the receipt <br />of grants would reduce the amount of RDA assistance. Councilmember Souza <br />pointed out that the LINKS is a private non-profit organization that receives funding <br />from the City without an application process. <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2008-058 <br /> , Resolution of the City Council of the City of San <br />Leandro Adopting the Budget of the City of San Leandro for the Fiscal Year <br />July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 (adopts budget pursuant to City Charter Section <br />515). (1051) <br /> <br />M/S/C Stephens and Prola. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2008-014 RDA <br /> , Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency of <br />the City of San Leandro Adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2008 to <br />June 30, 2009 and Making a Determination Pursuant to California Health and <br />Safety Code Section 3334.3. (1485) <br /> <br />M/S/C Stephens and Prola. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2008-001 PFA <br /> , Resolution of the Public Financing Authority of <br />the City of San Leandro Adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2008 to <br />June 30, 2008. (2735) <br /> <br />M/S/C Stephens and Prola. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br /> <br /> <br /> 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> <br />Public Comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker, subject to adjustment by the Mayor. <br />fill out a speaker card <br />When you address the City Council, you should and submit it to the <br />City Clerk so the order of speakers may be determined and an official record of names and <br />NOT <br />addresses obtained. The public is invited to make comments on items of public interest <br />listed on the Agenda. <br /> <br /> <br />