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MINUTES Page 10 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-May 19, 2008 <br />Pam Jackson, Chair of the Board of St. Peter's Community Adult Day Care <br />Center, addressed the City Council, commenting that she felt the denial of funding was <br />a personal attack on the Center and Ms. Jones. Ms. Jackson stated that she hoped the <br />Council would consider reinstating the funding for St. Peter's. <br />End of Public Comments on Item B.G. <br />Councilmember Grant stated that she did not believe that the denial of funding was a <br />personal attack on St. Peter's, but instead was procedural. She recalled that the Council <br />had been made aware of performance issues with St. Peter's in the past. <br />Councilmember Grant suggested that, since the grants are on a two-year funding cycle, <br />the grants budget could be reviewed at mid-cycle to determine whether funds are <br />available to consider a grant to St. Peter's. In the interim, staff could work with St. <br />Peter's staff to improve on the performance issues. Councilmember Grant stated that <br />the Council received several letters from people whose elderly relatives are served by <br />St. Peter's, and suggested that perhaps they could also help ensure that St. Peter's <br />maintains accountability to the City. <br />Mayor Santos commented that he was also on the Council during the time the St. <br />Peter's non-conformance issues were last addressed. He acknowledged that while the <br />agency provides an important service, it has not followed through with procedural <br />expectations. <br />Councilmember Souza supported Councilmember Grant's proposal to revisit the matter <br />at mid-term of the grant cycle. <br />• Minute Order No. 2008-016, Motion Accepting the Recommendation by the <br />Human Services Commission to Approve the Fiscal Year 2008-2010 Community <br />Assistance Grant Funding. (2024) <br />The City Council accepted the recommendation by the Human Services <br />Commission to approve the Fiscal Year 2008-2010 Community Assistance <br />Grant funding; and directed staff to continue to work with St. Peter's <br />Community Adult Day Care to improve its accountability, and to review the <br />grant program at mid-cycle to determine whether funds may be available to <br />grant to St. Peter's. <br />M/S/C Grant and Prola. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />8.H. Matter of Recommendation by the Recreation and Parks Commission for Fiscal Year <br />2008-2009 Community Benefit Grant Funding (approves grants to support agencies that <br />broaden the scope of cultural and enrichment opportunities for City residents). Cost: <br />$25,000. Funding: General Fund. <br />