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MINUTES Page 3 <br />City of San Leandro City Council, San Leandro Economic Development Agency, San Leandro Parking Authority, San <br />Leandro Public Financing Authority, and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting -June 2, 2008 <br />complete its work, and then report its recommendations to the Council Mr. Jermanis <br />noted that program reductions will take considerable time to implement, and will <br />involve community input and outreach. Councilmember Grant commented on <br />economic trends, and expressed concern that the economy may take awhile to recover. <br />Councilmember Souza thanked the staff that worked to develop the budget document. <br />She echoed the concern expressed by Councilmember Grant regarding economic <br />trends. Councilmember Souza expressed concern about adding positions for the next <br />fiscal year without identifying a revenue source to fund them, and asked whether the <br />City could delay hiring until revenue sources could be identified. Regarding leasing <br />the fire truck, she stated that she believes purchasing the vehicle would save the City <br />money in the long term. Mr. Jermanis indicated that Mr. Carter would compare the <br />cost of leasing versus purchasing. Councilmember Souza voiced her support for <br />reinstating the DARE Program. She clarified her earlier comment about adding staff <br />positions, stating that she supports the immediate hiring of four additional police <br />personnel, while delaying the hiring of non-police officer personnel Mr. Jermanis <br />noted that the proposed budget includes the recommendations of the Ad Hoc <br />Committee, which added back funding for one police officer and three non-sworn <br />positions. <br />Councilmember Grant expressed concern that, at a time when the City must rein in <br />spending, it is also implementing new programs, and raising community expectations. <br />She commented that this sends a mixed message to the community, and may hinder <br />support for program reductions or a revenue measure. <br />Councilmember Starosciak stated that she felt the Agency is overextending its credit <br />in the Joint Project Area without a strong plan for the $35 million bond issuance. NIr. <br />Jermanis commented that he believed it was only recently that projections of future <br />income from the Joint Project Area showed support for a bond issuance of this size. <br />Staff feels that the market and interest rates are at a point where the timing is right for <br />this bond issuance. The Council, as the Agency Board, can determine whether to <br />issue all or part of the $35 million, as well as identify those projects that they feel are <br />necessary to undertake. Councilmember Starosciak inquired about the priority placed <br />on the replacement of the Estudillo/Callan parking garage. Mr. Jermanis noted that <br />the garage has been on the City's project list for about 10 years, but did not have a <br />revenue source to fund its construction. A seismic analysis performed on City <br />facilities revealed that the garage does not meet seismic standards, nor does it meet <br />ADA standards. Additionally, implementation of the Downtown Transit-Oriented <br />Development (TOD) Strategy will require that more parking be provided downtown. <br />However, Mr. Jermanis indicated that the garage project does not need to be done this <br />year, and the Council can determine the projects to be undertaken. Councilmember <br />Starosciak asked how the garage project, which is in the Plaza Redevelopment Area, <br />could be funded with Joint Project Area funds. Mr. Jermanis stated that the Bond <br />Counsel has determined that the Joint Project Area would receive benefit from an <br />improved parking facility downtown. Councilmember Starosciak expressed concern <br />that the bond proceeds could be used for other projects, such as the Ninth Grade <br />