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TIMELINES <br />By October, 1, 2008, Echo Housing will have accomplished: <br />1. Serve all clients and provide approximately 75 responses for information and referral services. <br />3. Approximately 3 cases will be mediated. <br />4. Provide approximately 3 referrals to attorneys. <br />5. Prevent approximately one eviction. <br />6. Provide approximately 10 referrals to outside agencies. <br />7. Provide outreach which shall comprise of: <br />a. Distribution of 500 pieces of remedial material within San Leandro. <br />b. Quarterly public service announcements. <br />By January 1, 2009, Echo Housing will have accomplished: <br />1. Serve all clients and provide approximately 75 responses for information and referral services. <br />3. Approximately 3 cases will be mediated. <br />4. Provide approximately 3 referrals to attorneys. <br />5. Prevent approximately one eviction. <br />6. Provide approximately 10 referrals to outside agencies. <br />7. Provide outreach which shall comprise of: <br />a. Distribution of 500 pieces of remedial material within San Leandro. <br />b. Quarterly public service announcements. <br />By April 1, 2009, Echo Housing will have accomplished: <br />1. Serve all clients and provide approximately 80 responses for information and referral services. <br />5. Approximately 4 cases will be mediated. <br />6. Provide approximately 4 referrals to attorneys. <br />5. Prevent approximately 2 evictions. <br />6. Provide approximately 12 referrals to outside agencies. <br />7. Provide outreach which shall comprise of: <br />a. Quarterly public service announcements. <br />By July 1, 2009, Echo Housing will have accomplished: <br />1. Serve all clients and provide approximately 85 responses for information and referral services. <br />2. Approximately 4 cases will be mediated. <br />3. Provide approximately 5 referrals to attorneys. <br />4. Prevent approximately 2 evictions. <br />5. Provide approximately 13 referrals to outside agencies. <br />6. Provide outreach which shall comprise of: <br />a. Quarterly public service announcements. <br />b. One appearance on local television or radio station. <br />c. One owner/property manager training. <br />-14- <br />ECHO Agreement for Landlord Tenant Counseling Services, FY 2008-09 <br />G:ICOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTWOUSING SERVICES DIVISIOMCDBGISUBRECIPIENTSIECHOIFY08-091Tenant LandlordlFY08-09 ECHO CDBG Subrecipient <br />Agreement -Landlord Tenant Counseling.doc <br />