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Agmt 2008 Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity ECHO Housing (2)
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Agmt 2008 Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity ECHO Housing (2)
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6/24/2008 10:14:02 AM
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6/24/2008 9:31:25 AM
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date. <br />3.4 Method of Payment-CDBG Funds. Unless otherwise specified in Exhibit "A", not more frequently <br />than monthly and at least quarterly, Subrecipient may submit to the Contract Officer an invoice, in a form acceptable <br />to the City, setting forth the amounts actually expended by Subrecipient for the project; provided that said expenses <br />are included in the budget (Exhibit "B") and performance standards have been met. Said invoice shall, at a <br />minimum, set forth each budget category for which reimbursement is sought, a description of the expense, the total <br />budgeted amount for the category, the amount requested to be reimbursed for each budget category, and the total <br />amount expended for each budget category to date. Said invoice shall be accompanied with such additional <br />supporting information as requested by the City, including, but not limited to, paid receipts for each expense. To the <br />extent the CDBG funds actually have been received from HUD, the City shall pay Subrecipient for all expenses <br />stated on the invoice that are approved by City pursuant to this contract no later than the thirtieth day after the <br />invoice is received. <br />3.5 Method of Payment -General Funds, if applicable. City shall pay Subrecipient an amount not to <br />exceed the total sum noted in Section 3.2 for services to be performed. The City shall make monthly payments for <br />services satisfactorily performed. City shall not pay any additional sum for any expense or cost whatsoever incurred <br />by the Subrecipient in rendering services pursuant to this Agreement. <br />3.6 Program Income. Any program income, as such term is defined in the regulations, received by <br />Subrecipient shall be retained by Subrecipient. The program income received by Subrecipient shall solely be used <br />for the project or for the purpose of operating the facility. All provisions of this contract shall apply to activities <br />funded by program income. All program income shall be expended by Subrecipient before the City is obligated to <br />advance any other CDBG funds to Subrecipient under this agreement. <br />3.7 Separation of Funds. The Subrecipient shall certify that the Subrecipient's financial system is in <br />accordance with the standards specified in OMB Circular 110, or 24 CFR Part 84. <br />3.8 Indirect Costs. If indirect costs are charged, the Subrecipient will develop an indirect cost allocation <br />plan for determining the appropriate City of San Leandro share of administrative costs and shall submit such plan to <br />the City of San Leandro for approval. <br />4.0 PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE <br />4.1 Schedule of Performance. Subrecipient shall commence, prosecute and complete the project <br />within the time periods established in the "Scope of Work" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by <br />this reference. <br />4.2 Reversion of Assets. Upon the expiration or sooner termination of this contract, Subrecipient shall <br />(i) transfer to the City any and all CDBG funds and program income on hand (ii) any accounts receivable attributable <br />to the use of CDBG funds or program income; and (iii) if any CDBG funds or program income was used by <br />Subrecipient to improve or acquire real property and said CDBG funds or program income was in excess of Twenty- <br />Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000), Subrecipient shall either (a) use said real property to meet one of the national <br />objectives specified in 24 CFR Section 570.208 for a period of five (5) years after the termination or sooner <br />expiration of this contract or (b) dispose of the real property and reimburse the City in an amount (together with any <br />amounts previously repaid to the City) that is equal to the fair market value of the real property times a fraction, the <br />numerator of which is equal to the amount of CDBG funds and/or other program income used to acquire or improve <br />the property and denominator of which is equal to the fair market value of the real property immediately after the real <br />property was acquired or improved with said funds. <br />-5- <br />ECHOAgreement for Landlord Tenant Counseling Services, FY 2008-09 <br />G:ICOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTWOUSING SERVICES DIVISIOMCDBGISUBRECIPIENTSIECHO1FYOt?-091Tenant LandlordlFY08-09 ECHO CDBG Subrecipient <br />Agreement -Landlord Tenant Counseling.doc <br />
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