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EXHIBIT B <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />The term of this Agreement shall be until all Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds <br />authorized by this Agreement are expended or this Agreement is terminated. <br />2. All activities funded with CDBG funds must meet one of the CDBG program's National Objectives: benefit <br />low- and moderate-income persons; aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; or meet <br />community development needs having a particular urgency, as defined in 24 CFR 570.208. <br />3. The CDBG funds approved under this Agreement shall only be used in paying capital improvements to <br />Spectrum Community Services. <br />4. The Participant shall follow all provisions and keep all records set forth in Exhibit E and Exhibit F of this <br />Agreement, <br />5. The Participant shall include the required provisions and language in all construction contracts for Work <br />on the "Property", signed during the term of this Agreement. <br />6. The Participant shall request any changes to the Scope of Work, Time Schedule or Budget in writing. <br />The City Manager orhis/her designee may approve requests at his/her discretion. <br />7. List of Work for which Participant may use CDBG funds: <br />The Meals on Wheels Central Kitchen/Safety Net Services Project (Project) is a collaborative <br />endeavor between Spectrum Community Services (Spectrum) and Service Opportunities for <br />Seniors (5OS). The Project's goal is to build a new facility that will expand safety net services to <br />low-income, ethnically diverse, primarily senior individuals in Alameda County, including over 1,409 <br />low-income San Leandro seniors and other low-income families. The Project will provide space <br />for: <br />(1) A central kitchen capable of addressing current and projected San Leandro and county-wide <br />needs for home delivered and congregate meals for low-income seniors; <br />(2) Additional safety net services for low-income families and seniors, including senior fall risk <br />reduction, emergency energy payments, employment training and education, and senior case <br />management and other support to avoid institutionalization, <br />Spectrum Community Services will expend the $40,000 CDBG funds for architectural <br />engineering costs. <br />8. Program Monitoring and Reporting <br />The Participant will perform periodic and final site visits to ascertain that the approved Scope of Work is <br />proceeding properly and satisfactorily. City staff will monitor the performance of the Participant against <br />goals and performance standards stated in the Scope of Work. Substandard performance as determined by <br />Fiscal Year 08-09 B-1 <br />