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r , ~ 1 <br />The owners, tenants, and persons having control or occupants of any property, <br />building structure or vehicle involved in any fire incident within the City of San <br />Leandro shall submit to the Fire Chief upon request: <br />(a) All claims for damages filed against any person, firm or <br />corporation resulting from such fire incident. <br />(b) The total of all compensation paid to any claimant for losses <br />connected to each fire incident. <br />Section 3-3-205: Additional Permits. <br />Section 105.8.2 is hereby added to read as follows: <br />Permits for the installation, modification, addition, and repair of all fire protection <br />systems shall be obtained from the Bureau of Fire Prevention. <br />Section 3-3-210: BALED STORAGE. Section 2805.4 is hereby added to read as follows: <br />Baled storage under any roof or overhead shall be protected by an automatic sprinkler <br />system installation in accordance with applicable standards of the N.F.P.A. and meeting <br />the approval of the San Leandro Fire Marshal. <br />Section 3-3-215: FEES AND PLAN REVIEW <br />Section 106 is hereby added to read as follows: <br />Fees shall be assessed for permits and associated plan review in accordance with the San Leandro <br />Uniform Fire Code, the Building Code of the City of San Leandro, and the fee schedule <br />established by the San Leandro City Council as set forth in Chapter 4 of the San Leandro <br />Administrative Code. <br />Section 3-3-220: TITLE. Section 101.1 is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />This Code shall be known as the San Leandro Uniform Fire Code, maybe cited as such, <br />and will be referred to herein as "this Code." <br />Section 3-3-225: BOARD OF APPEALS. Section 103.1.4 is hereby amended to read as <br />