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," t <br />.~ <br />c. "Day" or "days" shall mean calendar days. <br />d. "Enforcement Officer" means the City Manager or any person who is authorized <br />or directed by the City Manager to enforce any provision of this Code. In <br />addition to any other powers conferred upon him/her by this Code or by other <br />state, county or federal law, any such designated Enforcement Officer shall have <br />the authority to arrest a person without a warrant, issue a Notice to Appear, as <br />described in Penal Code §948, or issue a Notice of Violation, as described in <br />Sections 1-12-400 and 1-12-410 below, if such Enforcement Officer has cause to <br />believe that a violation of this Code was, or is being, committed. <br />e. "Hearing Body" shall mean the City Manager, or any person or persons appointed <br />by the City Manager to conduct a hearing authorized by this Chapter. <br />f. "Owner" shall mean the owner or owners of record of the Affected Property. <br />g. "Penalty" shall mean an administrative penalty imposed by an Enforcement <br />Officer, pursuant to Sections 1-12-410 of this Code. <br />h. "Responsible Party" shall mean any natural persons, firm, association, club, <br />organization, corporation, partnership, business trust, trustee, or entity, and the <br />parents or legal guardian of any person under eighteen (18) years of age, whose <br />acts or omissions have caused or contributed to a violation of this Code, and shall <br />include any Owners, tenants, or holders of other estates or rights in, the Affected <br />Property. <br />1-12-115 Violation a Public Nuisance, Alternative Remedies Provided. <br />A violation of this Code, including any continuing violation as set forth in sections 1-12- <br />140, below, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. In addition to the remedies for nuisance <br />abatement provided in this Chapter, the City expressly reserves the right to utilize other <br />enforcement remedies found within specific chapters of the Code, remedies available under any <br />applicable state or federal statute or pursuant to any other lawful power the City may possess. <br />All such remedies shall be alternative to or in conjunction with, and not exclusive of, one <br />another. The election of remedies provided by this Chapter shall be at the sole discretion of the <br />City and its officials. <br />The City Manager may direct that any required hearing be conducted before a Hearing <br />Body. The City Manager, or a Hearing Body designated by the City Manager, may order the <br />abatement of any public nuisance, as defined in this Code or in any state ar federal statute, <br />following notice and a hearing. However, no notice or hearing is required to abate a nuisance <br />pursuant to the summary abatement authority set forth in Section 1-12-500, below. <br />1-12-120 Violation of License, Permit, Agreement or Approval. <br />It shall be a violation of this Code to violate any term or condition of any license, permit, <br />agreement, or approval granted or issued pursuant by the City, including any granted or issued <br />by the City's Redevelopment Agency pursuant to its authority under the California Community <br />Code Enforcement (2) <br />