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3-7-310 Review of Debris Recycling Statement <br />(a) Timeframe for Review: The Debris Recycling Statement Compliance Officer will <br />review the DRS and advise the Applicant within five working days of receipt of the DRS <br />of his/her decision regarding approval or non-approval. <br />(b) Approval of Debris Recycling Statement: <br />(1) Prior to issuance of a building permit for a Covered Project, an Applicant <br />other than a Certified Applicant shall submit a DRS for such Project. A DRS shall only <br />be approved if the Debris Recycling Statement Compliance Officer determines that the <br />following conditions have been met: <br />(i) The DRS provides all of the information required by this Chapter; and <br />(ii) The DRS indicates that the Applicant will divert 100% of the asphalt, <br />concrete and other similar material, and at Ieast 50% by weight, of all other C&D Debris <br />generated by the Project; or <br />(iii) The DRS indicates that the Applicant will divert 100% of the asphalt, <br />concrete, and similar materials, and demonstrates good cause as. to why at least fifty <br />percent (50%) by weight of the remainder of the C&D Debris generated by the Project <br />will not be so diverted; or <br />(iv) The DRS indicates that the Project will generate a negligible amount of <br />C&D Debris. <br />(2) If the Debris Recycling Statement Compliance Officer determines that the <br />DRS has met condition (i) and either condition (ii), (iii), or (iv) of the preceding <br />subsection, the DRS shall be marked "Approved". A copy of the approved DRS shall be <br />returned to the Applicant. <br />(c) Non-Approval of Debris Recycling Statement. <br />(1) If the Debris Recycling Statement Compliance Officer determines that the <br />Applicant has failed to comply with subsection (b)(1)(i), or either of subsections <br />(b)(1)(ii), (b)(1)(iii) or (b)(1)(iv), the Debris Recycling Statement Compliance Officer <br />shall either return the DRS to the Applicant requesting complete documentation of the <br />reasons that the requirements of this Chapter cannot be met, or shall return the DRS to <br />the Applicant marked "Denied." If the DRS is returned marked "Denied," it shall be <br />accompanied by a statement of reasons for the denial. <br />(2) If the DRS is denied, the Debris Recycling Statement Compliance Officer may <br />enforce any violation of this Chapter as provided in Section 3-7-600. <br />(d) Emergency Demolition. No DRS is required where an authorized official of the <br />City has made a determination that immediate Demolition is required to protect the <br />public health or safety from imminent peril. <br />ARTICLE 4. COMPLIANCE <br />3-7-400 Weighing of C&D Debris <br />Applicant shall make every reasonable effort to assure that all C&D Debris Diverted <br />and/or deposited in a landfill are measured and recorded using the most accurate method <br />of measurement avai]able. To the extent possible, all C&D Debris shall be weighed by <br />measurement on scales. Such scales shall be in compliance with all regulatory <br />requirements for accuracy and maintenance. A volumetric measurement shall be used for <br />all C&D Debris for which weighing, is not practical due to small size or other <br />5 <br />