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PLN2008-00003 will directly impact the privacy, views, air circulation, lighting and value of 74 <br />and 82 Williams St. <br />V. <br />At Board of Zoning Adjustments mtgs. the presence ofmulti-family residences on Thompson <br />and Castro was given as a reason for approving PLN2008-00003. <br />This is incorrect. It is contradicted by the various quotes noted above. Further if reasoning like <br />this is allowed many streets could be transformed as there are 4-plexes on the same street or 1 <br />street over in many parts of San Leandro. For example the same reasoning could be applied to <br />the area bound by Carpenter to Hayes and Parrott to Castro. <br />VI. <br />Goal: 2, Neighborhood Character <br />Preserve and enhance the distinct identities of San Leandro neighborhoods. <br />Z.04 PRESERVATION OF LOW-DENSITY CHARACTER <br />Preserve the low-density character of San Leandro's predominantly single family neighborhoods. Concentrate <br />new multi-family development in the areas near the BART Stations and along major transit corridors such as <br />East 14th Street. Ensure that such development enhances rather than detracts from the character of surrounding <br />neighborhoods. <br />2.05 ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS, AND INFII.L <br />>rnsure that alterations, additions and infill development are compatible with existing homes and maintain <br />aesthetically pleasing neighborhoods. <br />2.07 TEARDOWNS <br />Discourage "teardowns" (the replacement of smaller dwellings with larger and more expensive homes) where <br />the existing home is in good physical condition and the proposed home would be substantially lazger than the <br />prevailing scale of the neighborhood. <br />2.08 PRIVACY AND VIEWS <br />Encourage residential alterations, additions, and new homes to be designed in a manner that respects the <br />privacy of nearby homes and preserves access to sunlight and views. Wherever feasible, new or altered <br />structures should avoid the disruption of panoramic or scenic views. <br />Pg. 3-34 of the General Plan <br />Note: PLN2008-00003 would not be in conformance with these goals. A single family house <br />would become a duple; it is substantially larger then the prevailing scale of the neighborhood <br />and it alters access to sunight and views. The low density character of this block would be <br />further eroded. <br />VII. <br />Goal: 3, New Ho~siwg Opportunities <br />Proviuie housing opportaaities and imQrove economic access to housing for all segments of the <br />community. <br />POLICIES AND ACTIONS <br />3.04 PROMOTION OF IINFII.L <br />Encourage infill development on vacant or underused sites within residential areas. <br />Pg 3-36 <br />PLN2008-00003 is not being built on a vacant or underused site. It is being proposed for a <br />substandard lot that akeady contains a very nice house. <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />