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VIII. <br />The Planning Services Division, Staff Report states that the project is categorically exempt from <br />the California Environmental Quality Act. The General Plan differs with that statement. In the <br />General Plan see CHAPTER 7, HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND COMMiTNITY <br />DESIGN, B. HISTORIC PRESERVATION, Developing a More Effective Preservation <br />Program <br />"Today, a much larger portion of the City's building stock could be called historic and/or worthy of preservation. <br />In fact, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) stipulates that all properties 50 years or older should be <br />evaluated for their historic value when projects affecting their character are proposed." <br />Pg. 7-4 <br />PLN2008-00003 proposes changing the character of a house much older than 50 years. <br />IX. <br />Goai: 42 <br />Sense of Place <br />Promote a stronger Ksense of place" in San Leandro. <br />POLICIES AND ACTIONS <br />42.04 ARCffiTECTURAL CONSISTENCY <br />"In established neighborhoods, protect architectural integrity by re uirin infill housing, replacement housing, <br />and major additions or remodels to be sensitive to and compatible with the prevailing scale and appearance of <br />adiacent developmert." Pg. 7-36 <br />ActFon X2.04 B: Smal! Lot Single Fancily and Mult~Facnily Design Guidelines <br />"Prepare design guidelines for small lot single family home and multi family developments which ensure that <br />such developments do not appear overly dense and require that ample amounts of useable open space are <br />required ". Pg. 7-36 <br />Goal: 43 <br />Quality Construction and Design <br />Ensure that new construction and renovation contributes to the quality and overall image of the Community. <br />POLICIES AND ACTIONS <br />43.01 PROMOTING QUALITY DESIGN <br />Use the development review and permitting processes to promote high quality architecture and site design. <br />Design review guidelines and zoning standards should ensure that the mass and scale of new structures are <br />compatible with adjacent structures. <br />Pg. 7-38 <br />Note: PLN2008-00003 contradicts the underlined statements in the above points. <br />Page 4 of 4 <br />