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3A Public Hearing 2008 0707
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Packet 2008 0707
3A Public Hearing 2008 0707
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7/3/2008 4:49:18 PM
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7/3/2008 4:49:17 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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The alternative to reduce the addition to one-story results in the covered parking spaces being <br />deleted from the plans; however three or more parking spaces would still be provided on the <br />property, at a concrete parking pad at the rear of the building and along the driveway that serves <br />those spaces. <br />The proposed one-story addition makes it impossible to provide the required two-covered off- <br />street parking spaces on the property. However, the revised plans to reduce to addition's height <br />and bulk are intended to address the neighbors concerns. Thus, staff finds the proposal as an <br />acceptable and appropriate compromise to the interested parties. Staff recommends that the <br />Board of Zoning Adjustments make the attached Firidings of Fact and approve PLN2008-00003 <br />subject to the recommended Conditions of Approval. <br />BACKGROUND <br />Opposing comments and concerns were received from the adjacent neighbors due to the two-story <br />design of the additional unit. The Board postponed its decision at the March 6th and April 17th <br />meetings. The applicant has used the postponements as opportunities to explore revisions to the <br />plans to address the neighbors' concerns. Thus, as already stated in this report, the proposal has <br />been revised to a one-story addition. <br />In this case, because of the narrowness of the lot, the proposal is required to undergo a <br />conditional use permit review process (Zoning Code Section 4-1650). The review process is a tool <br />to receive public comments and to evaluate if the proposed project conforms to the basic setback, <br />coverage, and height requirements. Because the revised design does not include two covered <br />parking spaces and the third space would not be independently accessible (rather along the <br />driveway) the review process includes a parking exception (Zoning Code Section 5-2212 C.). <br />DETAILS OF THE REVISED PROPOSAL <br />The applicant has made the following changes to the previous submittal: <br />• The proposed single-story addition's floor area has been reduced to 1,300 square feet <br />from 1,342 square feet. (The actual interior and living "floor area is 1,257.5 square feet <br />when subtracting the recessed front door entryway and the 45 degree corner at the rear of <br />the unit to improve the vehicle turning movement into the uncovered parking pad.) The <br />second unit would remain two bedrooms and two bathrooms. <br />• The addition's foot print is approximately 26 feet wide by 50 feet deep. This would <br />maintain a 23 foot setback from the rear property line. A 20 foot wide parking pad for two <br />uncovered vehicles would be situated in this open area. <br />• The proposed roof height of the one-story addition would be an average of 14 feet <br />(previous design averaged approximately 19 feet, six inches; the original design averaged <br />22 feet tall). The roof design would match the height and design of the existing home. <br />The one-story proposal is substantially unchanged in terms of building details such as exterior <br />finish, materials and window types. The exterior would have new matching stucco and the roof <br />would be matching hipped roof design with composition shingle. <br />Board of Zoning Adjustment Staff Report May 15, 2008 <br />PLN2008-00003 Page 2 of 4 <br />
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