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City of San Leandro <br />Community Development Department <br />Planning Services Division <br />Staff Report <br />DATE: March 6, 2008 <br />TO: Board of Zoning Adjustments <br />FROM: Elmer Penaranda, Planner II <br />SUBJECT: Matter of PLN2008-00003; Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit; to <br />construct a 1,525 square-foot addition to the rear of the 896 square-foot existing <br />single-family home at 78 Williams Street to create a duplex. The proposed two- <br />family home would include two covered parking spaces and two surface parking <br />spaces. Site Plan Review is required as this proposal creates a new second-story <br />living unit. The conditional use permit is required as the lot is 40 feet wide where <br />50 feet is the minimum lot width in the DA-3 Downtown Area District and as <br />two-family residences are also conditionally permitted in the DA District. <br />Assessor's Parcel Number 77-549-11; D. and S. Christian (applicant and property <br />owner); DA-3 Downtown Area 3 District. <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION <br />The property owner proposes to develop the subject property with an additional dwelling unit <br />thereby creating a duplex. The property is located on the north side of Williams Street, west of <br />East 14th Street and east of Washington Avenue. The parcel is developed with asingle-story <br />single-family home. The home comprises approximately 896 square feet and includes two <br />bedrooms and one bathroom. Due to the substandard width of the subject property (40 feet, <br />where 50 feet is standard), a conditional use permit is required to develop the lot with an <br />additional unit creating a duplex on the property. Furthermore, the two-story addition and the <br />additional dwelling unit are subject to site plan review (design review). <br />Staff recommends that the Board of Zoning Adjustments make the attached Findings of Fact and <br />approve PLN2008-00003 subject to the Recommended Conditions of Approval. <br />APPLICANT'S SUPPORTING STATEMENT <br />See attached. <br />SURROUNDING AREA AND BACKGROUND <br />The subject property encompasses 5,200 square feet (40 feet x 130 feet) in area. There are many <br />parcels in the area that are between 30 to 40 feet wide and approximately 130 feet deep. Most of <br />these lots are developed with single-family homes and a few are developed with duplexes. Some <br />however, are developed with apartment buildings due to the former RM Residential Multi- <br />Family Zoning designation. The surrounding area is now zoned DA-3 Downtown Area District. <br />The property immediately behind (north) is a four-story 29-unit apartment complex built in 1969. <br />