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Appeal of the BZA Approval 2 July 7, 2008 <br />PLN2008-00022 <br />The alternative to reduce the addition to one-story resulted in the covered parking spaces being <br />deleted from the plans; however three or more parking spaces would still be provided on the <br />property, at a concrete parking pad at the rear of the building and along the driveway that serves <br />those spaces. The proposed one-story addition made it impossible to provide the required two- <br />covered off-street parking spaces on the property. However, the revised plans to reduce the <br />addition's height and bulk were intended to address the neighbors concerns. <br />On May 15, 2008, the Board of Zoning Adjustments found the proposal as an acceptable and <br />appropriate compromise to the interested parties, thus the Board approved PLN2008-00003 <br />subject to the recommended Conditions of Approval. <br />On May 30, 2008, Mr. Woolston and Ms. Franke, adjacent neighbors to the east of the subject <br />property, aggrieved by the Board's decision have appealed the action on the basis that the approved <br />project does not conform to and/or violates the City's General Plan, the Zoning Code and the <br />Housing section of the General Plan. <br />Recommendation: <br />The Board of Zoning Adjustments and staff recommend that the City Council make a motion to <br />uphold the approval of the conditional use permit, site plan review, and parking exception and <br />deny the appeal. <br />BACKGROUND <br />• The subject property encompasses 5,200 square feet (40 feet x 130 feet) in area. There are <br />many parcels in the area that are between 30 to 40 feet wide and approximately 130 feet deep. <br />Most of these lots are developed with single-family homes and a few are developed with <br />duplexes. Some however, are developed with apartment buildings due to the former RM <br />Residential Multi-Family Zoning designation. <br />• The subject property and surrounding area (formerly RM-1800 Residential Multi-Family <br />District) is now zoned DA-3 Downtown Area District. The purpose of the DA-3 is to <br />implement provisions of the Downtown San Leandro Transit-Oriented Development Strategy in <br />areas immediately adjacent to the Downtown retail core. Infill development shall respect the <br />scale and fabric of the neighborhood while increased building height and higher residential <br />densities are allowed. Thus, as the report will state, the Zoning Code requirements for projects <br />in the DA-3 will appear more relaxed and lenient than the previous RM Residential Multi- <br />Family requirements. For example, the RM District's side yard setback requires a minimum of <br />five feet, the minimum off-street parking required four spaces, and the maximum lot coverage <br />ranged between 50-70 percent, versus the DA-3 District which permits zero side yard setbacks, <br />three off-street parking spaces and 100 percent lot coverage. <br />• The one-story alternative appears to address the concerns of the neighbors. The livable floor <br />area to the proposed unit has been reduced to 1,257.5 square feet from 1,525 square feet from <br />the original proposal and 1,342 square feet from the second proposal. The exterior of the <br />addition and the roof should have a seamless finished appearance. It is typical that stucco walls <br />and the hipped-roof design can be executed without any notice of the new addition versus the <br />