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the maximum height is 50 feet tall (Zoning Code Article 6 Commercial and Professional <br />Districts). <br />The exterior design of the proposed second unit would be stucco to match the existing texture <br />and color of the one-story single-family home. The roof would be a gabled-roof design with <br />composition shingles to match the existing home. The windows would be dual-paned with <br />simulated divided panes. <br />Landscaping, Fencing, and Paving <br />The existing front yard setback is comprised of a combination of turf, trimmed shrubs and trees. <br />The easterly side setback, not visible from the street, would be finished with mulch or gravel. <br />The westerly side setback would not be landscaped to accommodate a concrete driveway serving <br />the parking at the rear. The remaining area at the rear that would not be paved would be <br />landscaped with turf/groundcover and trees. The existing wood perimeter fencing would be <br />retained. It is approximately six feet tall Any fencing damaged during the construction would be <br />replaced with similar fencing. The existing paving is in good condition. The proposed additional <br />paving for the driveway and parking areas at the rear of the property is proposed to be standard <br />with lamp black color additive with a broom finish so as to closely match the existing paving. <br />STAFF ANALYSIS <br />Conditional Use Permit for Substandard Lot <br />Section 4-1650 of the Zoning Code requires that any use other than asingle-family residence on a <br />substandard lot undergo a conditional use permit review process. This is to ensure that small lots <br />are evaluated to determine their ability to adequately accommodate the proposed projects other than <br />a single-family home and that the project conforms to the basic setback, coverage, height and off- <br />street parking requirements. <br />In this case, the lot is 40 feet wide and 130 feet deep. While the width of the lot is 10 feet less than <br />required in the DA-3 District, its depth is longer than a standard 50 by 100 foot lot, by 30 feet. The <br />total area of this lot is approximately 5,200 square feet which exceeds the 5,000 square foot <br />minimum lot area in the DA-3 District. The additional depth of the lot and the rectangular shape, <br />make the proposed duplex a viable project to construct on the narrow lot. The proposed duplex <br />complies with all setbacks, lot coverage, height, and covered off-street parking development <br />standards for the DA-3 District. <br />Although the DA-3 District is lenient and relaxed with its zoning requirements, adequate <br />consideration to maintain appropriate setbacks and scale of the duplex was given so that the <br />proposal should blend in and have no impact upon the existing adjacent development and the <br />existing neighborhood. <br />Architecture/Design-Site Plan Review <br />The exterior design of the proposed two-story additional unit would blend in with the existing <br />single-story unit on the property. The use of similar pitched roof design, matching windows and <br />trim, and matching exterior colors on the project would give the units on the lot a cohesive <br />appearance. Furthermore, the placement of the two-story components behind the existing dwelling <br />unit is one method in deemphasizing the height, bulk and mass of the proposed two-story unit. <br />Board of Zoning Adjustments Staff Report March 6, 2006 <br />PLN2008-00003 Page 3 of 5 <br />