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Moreover, the proposed slab-on grade construction maintains a lower profile for the two-story <br />addition, versus a proposal which would contain crawl area beneath the proposed duplex. The <br />rhythm of one-story building elevations on the north side of Williams Street would be retained by <br />the rear placement of the two-story addition. <br />The adjacent apartment complex to the northeast is four-stories tall. There are other two-story <br />developments in the immediate area which are found across the street on the south side of Williams <br />Street. These two-story developments are mainly apartment complexes. Thus, the two-story <br />additional unit should have no visual impacts along the Williams Street or Thornton Street- <br />streetscapes or the immediate neighborhood. It is also staff's opinion that the proposed two-story <br />unit, meeting the minimum setback requirements for a typical low density residential project, on a <br />substandard lot will not increase the impact on neighbors' privacy or access to light to the <br />immediate north, east and west of the subject property. <br />Paving-Site Plan Review <br />Staff recommends the use of concrete at the rear of the property serving as parking and access, <br />located beyond the existing paving, should include a fair amount of lamp black (concrete color <br />additive) for a gray color. <br />Access and Parkin <br />The Fire Department and the Engineering and Transportation Department have reviewed the. site <br />lay-out of the proposed project. The Fire Department would have adequate access from Williams <br />Street; on-site access and circulation for fire trucks is not required. The Engineering and <br />Transportation Department pointed out that the parking spaces in the carport would be more <br />suited for compact cars due to the limited driveway space and carport depth. Staff recommends a <br />condition that the carport parking spaces not be used for storage or any other purpose that would <br />impede or obstruct vehicular access, so the spaces would remain available at all times. <br />Landscaping <br />The existing front landscaping is in good condition. Staff recommends that prior to issuance of <br />building permits, a final landscape plan shall be submitted for the project site, which includes the <br />small rear yard area. At a minimum, the planting plan will be required to have trees with a <br />minimum size of 15 gallons. <br />GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE <br />The site on Williams Street is designated High Density Residential in the General Plan. This <br />designation "is intended for multi-family residential development." (General Plan page 3-11). <br />The following General Plan policies are applicable to the proposed project and the recommended <br />conditions of approval: <br />Policy 1.04 -Front Yards: Encourage the attractive treatment of front yards and other <br />areas in residential neighborhoods that are visible from the street. <br />Board of Zoning Adjustments Staff Report March 6, 2006 <br />PLN2008-00003 Page 4 of 5 <br />