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Appeal of the BZA Approval 5 July 7, 2008 <br />PLN2008-00022 <br />Environmental Review <br />Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this project was found to be <br />categorically exempt under Article 19, Section 15303 (b). <br />Code Compliance Review <br />Not applicable <br />Board/Commission Findings <br />The Board found that the proposal provides an opportunity for housing in context with the <br />surrounding area. The location of the proposed addition to the rear is in accord with the objectives <br />of the Code and to preserve the quality and character of the residential area and to foster convenient, <br />harmonious, and workable relationships among land uses. Moreover, the proposed duplex is in <br />accord with the DA-3 Downtown Area 3 District development standards for lot coverage, building <br />height building setbacks and parking requirements in number but not in kind. <br />The Board found that the one-story addition would have the least amount of impact on adjacent <br />properties. The addition had been reduced 20 percent in floor area compared with the original two- <br />story proposal. The project was the first one in the new DA District. The adopted Transit Oriented <br />Development Strategy clearly encouraged more residential development than just the 39 specific <br />project sites that were mentioned in the Strategy. The general TOD Strategy area was anticipated to <br />accommodate increased density throughout the downtown area. With the adoption of the TOD <br />Strategy the character of the neighborhood would inevitably change as the new zoning was <br />implemented. The proposal was not too drastic a change and was found not to impact the <br />neighborhood. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />The March 6, and the April 17, 2008, Board of Zoning Adjustments meetings were both duly <br />noticed including a legal advertisement in the Daily Review newspaper, the posting of placards on <br />nearby utility poles, and mailing notification to property owners and business owners within 300- <br />feet of the subject property. In addition story-poles were erected on the subject property according <br />to the proposed plans. <br />Although the matter was continued from the April 17, 2008 Board of Zoning Adjustments <br />meeting to its May 15, 2008 meeting date, the item was re-noticed for the May 15th Board <br />meeting due the substantial revision of the proposal from two-stories to one-story and for the <br />parking exception to provide two uncovered off-street parking spaces where two of the three <br />spaces are required to be covered and to provide the third space along the drive where it would <br />not be independently accessible. The noticing included a legal advertisement in the Daily Review <br />newspaper, the posting of placards on the property and nearby utility poles, and mailing notification <br />to property owners within 300-feet of the subject property. <br />