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Application for Appeal to City Council <br />Re: Board of Zoning Adjustments approval of PLN2008-00003 <br />From: Peter Woolston <br />Loretta Franke <br />82 Williams St. <br />May 30, 2008 <br />We appeal the approval of PLN2008-00003 and ask that the City Council overturn the approval. <br />We ask this because in our opinion the plan does not conform to and/or violates the following <br />points taken from the City of San Leandro General Plan, the Zoning Code and the Housing <br />section of the General Plan. <br />I. <br />Article 6, 2-600 Specific Purposes of the City of San Leandro Zoning Code (pg. 4 of 67 of the <br />TOD) states re. DA-3 (Downtown Area 3) "Infill development shall respect the scale and fabric <br />of the neighborhood while increased building height and higher residential densities are <br />allowed." <br />Article 6, 2-680 Minimum Yards, of the City of San Leandro Zoning Code (pg. 59 of 67 of the <br />TOD) states: "d. Rear yards: To be consistent with the prevailing condition of each block." <br />CHAPTER 3, LAND USE, Section 3.1 FRAMEWORK, B. MAJOR PLANNING CONCEPTS <br />of the General Plan contains the following: <br />"In fact, one of the major premises of the General Plan is that the character of our neighborhoods should be <br />preserved." Pg. 3-3 <br />"The existing land use pattern in San Leandro's residential neighborhoods is well established. The General <br />Plan policy emphasis is to enhance the quality of these areas. This will be done by upholding community <br />aesthetic standards, protecting neighborhood character beautifying City streets, and er~iancing local parks, <br />schools, and shopping areas. Pg. 3-6. <br />PLN2008-00003 which adds 1300 square foot (145% increase) to an 896 square foot does NOT <br />qualify as respecting the scale and fabric of the neighborhood. 2196 sq. ft. is at least 1000 sq. ft. <br />larger than 82 Williams St. <br />PLN2008-00003 results in a completely built up back yard. Of the 23 housing units on the first <br />block of Williams St. 16 (70%) are single family houses. The back yards of these houses may <br />have garages but none have other living units, separate or attached. Further all multi-family unit <br />or apartment bldgs. are on standard sized lots if not bigger. 78 Williams St. is not a standard <br />sized lot as it is only 40 ft. wide. <br />Finally PLN2008-00003 is so large, 2196 sq. ft., the character of the neighborhood is not <br />preserved or protected. <br />II. <br />Under Neiuhborhood Character in Section C. PLANNING ISSUES of the General Plan we find: <br />Page 1 of 4 <br />