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3A Public Hearing 2008 0707
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Packet 2008 0707
3A Public Hearing 2008 0707
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7/3/2008 4:49:18 PM
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7/3/2008 4:49:17 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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"Building more cohesive neighborhoods also means ensuring that infill development is compatible with <br />its surroundings. The first step toward achieving this objective is to have a General Plan Land Use Map <br />(and a Zoning Map) which maintains the density and land use pattern in established residential areas. <br />Although this General Plan encourages higher densities in some parts of the City, higher density <br />housing should not be sited within predominantly single family neighborhoods." Pg. 3-27 <br />Note these comments from the General Plan describing the Central neighborhood in 3.2 <br />RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS, B. SAN LEANDRO'S NEIGHBORHOODS <br />Cetttral <br />"Unfortuna_tely, much of the development that took place durfng the 1950s, 60s, and 70s was not <br />sympathetic to the area's historic contest." Pg 3-21 <br />At Board of Zoning Adjustments mtgs. it was stated or implied PLN2008-00003 had to be <br />approved in light of the adoption of the TOD by the City Council. It was made to appear as if <br />adopting the TOD mandated that all requests had to be approved. No, adoption allows approval <br />but does not require any and all applications be approved. <br />Plans should only be approved if they conform to the requirements in the General Plan, the <br />Housing Plan and the Zoning Code. The spirit of the codes, as well as the letter, must be <br />followed; picking and choosing, ignoring or going around some provisions should not be <br />allowed. <br />Granting a conditional use permit for 78 Williams St. will set a precedent for substandard lots on <br />this block and in the city in general. Granting more conditional use permits will end up changing <br />the character of neighborhoods. This would go against the spirit and letter of the General Plan. It <br />would mean the city was facilitating "abandonment of original design" for this neighborhood! <br />block is primarily (70%) single familyhouses with landscaped backyards. <br />III. <br />In CHAPTER 9, HOUSING, D. ADEQUATE SITES ANALYSIS there is an inventory of potential <br />sites where housing could be constructed during the next five years. The inventory includes "underutilized" <br />sites as well sites that are vacant. Pg. 9-5 <br />The General-Plan, the Housing Plan and the Downtown San Leandro Transit -Oriented <br />Development StrateQV are referring to specific identified parcels where multi-use and infill <br />housing should be built. 78 Williams St. is not noted in Appendix A: Inventory of Housing Sites <br />of the San Leandro Housing Element. Development is not limited to these sites but it was not <br />envisioned that like 78 Williams St. would have such development. <br />IV. <br />The General Plan states "Throughout San Leandro, a concerted effort will be made to Qrotect residential <br />privacy and views, conserve significant architectural qualities, and ensure that new development contributes <br />positively to the overall character of the neighborhood.... "It continues to state: "The increased emphasis <br />on residential design may mean that some homeowners will need to invest additional time and effort before <br />altering or adding on to their homes. The end result will be a more attractive, coherent community- <br />enhancinst arouerty valaes for all residents and arotectina the sizeable investment that menu residents <br />have made in their aroperties." Pg. 3-28 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />
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