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,~ <br />"Special event" means a designated event, including, but not limited to street fairs, <br />concerts, sporting ev®nts, contests, or other events that place a grouping or <br />gathering of people in one general locale sufficient in number, or subject to activity <br />that creates the need to have one or more ambulances pre-positioned at the event. <br />(Z) WHEELCHAIR VAN TRANSPORT <br />"Wheelchair Van Transport" means any vehicle specially constructed, modified or <br />equipped and/or used for the purpose of transporting patients in wheelchairs for <br />whom the need for any medical care, treatment or procedure is not required, likely, <br />or fores®eable. <br />ARTICLE III <br />CERTIFICATE OF OPERATION AND PERMITS <br />6.114.060 AMBULANGE SERVICES <br />(A) Advanced Life Support (ALS) emergency ambulance services shall only be <br />provided under a 9-1-1 contract with the COUNTY under provisions of the Health <br />& Safety Code 1797.200, 201, and 224. <br />(B) Basic L'rfe Support (BLS) emergency and non-emergency transport service shall <br />be provided under the provisions of this ordinance. <br />(C) Critical Care Transport (CCT) ALS emergency and non-emergency iTansport <br />service, either CCT-P or CCT-RN, shall be provided under the provisions of this <br />ordinance and the COUNTY's CCT and Administrative policies. <br />(D) Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as regulating the clinical work of <br />Registered Nurses (RN) working In a CCT-RN ambulance. <br />6.114.D70 CERTIFICATE OF OPERATION AND PERMITS REQUIRED <br />(A) No person (either as owner, agent or otherwise) shall furnish, operate, conduct, <br />maintain or otherwise engage in or advertise, offeror profess to engage in <br />ambulance service within Alameda County unless the p®rson holds (and is <br />entitled to hold) a currently valid ambulance Certificate of Operation issued by <br />the COUNTY. <br />(B) No person (either as owner, agent or otherwise) shall furnish and operate an <br />ambulance unless that ambulance has a currently valid Ambulance Permit issued <br />by the COUNTY. <br />(C) Gurney and Wheelchair Van Transport providers are not required to hold an <br />ambulance Certificate of Operation. <br />(D} No Certificate of Operation or Ambulance Permit is required for the delivery into <br />Alameda County of persons picked up outside the County boundaries. No <br />Certificate of Operation orAmbulance Permit is required far specialized teams <br />(e.g. CCT and neonatal intensive care unit teams) that are permitted by another <br />8 <br />